Month: March 2016
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar Fanservice Review Episodes 5-7
Spring 2016 ecchi preview: is it Summer yet?
Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut Fanservice Review Episodes 11&12
Oshiete! Galko-chan TV Fanservice Review Episodes 11 – 12 (END)
Red-Hair Admiral changes her clothes in Valkyrie Drive volume four
Date a Live Director’s Cut Fanservice Review Episodes 7-9
Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst volume four uncensored
Yandere – I love you, so i want to ki** you

For the Gentlemen who like a good Yandere. For the fans who like scary-Yandere Well its good to be back in the scheme of things, especially since it’s been around half a year since I dawned a review. Gotta say, good to be back. Here I present to you: Yandere – I love you, so I want to ki** you. This blood filled adventure bring you through the eyes of Subaru. Your parents go away, …