7Sins Episode V Fanservice Review

Okay, so… it would seem as though 7Sins really doesn’t know exactly what it wants to be yet. I’m afraid to say we may be looking at another Manyuu, but that only means we’ll be sad for a little while, because much like Manyuu I think this show will be saved with its BD Specials…. I hope.

For the time being however, we are stuck with a castrated censored/uncensored airing and no idea what to expect from episode to episode, and let’s not forget the bizarre and frankly dumb requirement this show has with trying to put F-ing music vids in every episode.

We got a damn recap episode last week to cover for “production issues”, which seems like a significant problem with this show. Lord Kaneko himself was set to direct this anime when we first learned about it, but that was literally years ago at this point, the show fell into an epic silence, and of course only recently was it brought into the light with a new director….  not exactly a good omen, but this show is about sins I guess.

Let’s jump into the 5th episode and hopefully run far away from crying women with demon wool-babies….



We start things off with an amusing contradiction.

Followed by one of the stiffest animation clips in recorded history…

Seems like they changed certain aspects of the OP, and for the better, I’m very much liking Pride’s character in this anime, and I genuinely hope they take her relationship with Maria to a higher plane of ecchi. They look great together.

This chick wouldn’t know metal even if Rob Halford turned straight and fucked her silly

this show definitely draws better asses than tits, not really my thing, but I’m sure Aika’s having a field day

Ugh… okay, what follows is essentially 7Sins the Idol anime. This is not ecchi, and I will not cover or waste your time in showing this bland mess… trying to get through this music video bullshit, and this entire episode is looking like one giant advertisement. This is bland as fuck.

This episode is a complete waste with bare bones nipple shots and Barbie-doll crotches… Pride’s nipples can be seen one or two times, but it’s meaningless with no soul behind it.

I was planning on ending my review here, but the show did manage to give us one incredible thing in this episode, a shot of Pride’s ass so fucking good I thought my eyes would sprout wings and fly into the screen.

just…………   just, god DAMN mother fucker…….  you don’t even need to say dat ass, it speaks for itself and no words are necessary.  This Ass is THICC perfection, pure beauty, masterful, erotic, godlike, and every other 50 cent word out there…. This studio is CAPABLE of this hotness, yet it chooses to give us awkward Japanese rapping… *shutters*



Fuck it, I’m posting it again…

I can’t take my eyes off it, and I am NOT an ass man, but its radiance is so brilliant I can’t stop staring….  shouldn’t be surprised though, this is the BOOTY of a fallen angel… God DAMN!


moving on…..



I didn’t think it was possible, but this episode contains less ecchi than the fucking pointless recap episode last week. I’m quickly beginning to think the Japanese fans and us by relation were swindled by the 3 episode preview of this show before airing. A dirty scheme to get pre-orders in… Interesting how right as we get to episode 4 the service takes a dive and has sunk even lower this episode… following a fucking “we need more time cause we got issues” production slump…

Maybe the director really wants to spread his wings and give us good ecchi and can’t due to executive meddling for “muh brand advertising”… after all, this show isn’t based on any manga or light novel, so they should be free to do whatever crazy shit they want.

I defended this show after episode 4, saying it would likely be a “Manyuu” (a show that got progressively more tame, until going Ham with the BD specials), but now I don’t even think that is going to be the case….


In Manyuu’s episode 5 we got Chifusa being molested by milk-hungry children…


And then the week after we had Chifusa reaching “Oppai Maximum” status…


But 7Sins has seemingly lost its steam earlier… could this also be due to production bullshit? Or were the last 3 weeks just a mistake?

Are they toning shit down to capitalize on casuals to make more money back?

Who the fuck knows…   but in the wise words of Hercules, “DISSAPOINTED!”



