Hai to Gensou no Grimgar OVA (Ep 2.5) CM1 Shows a Little More Skin

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After disappointing ecchi fans in PV1, Grimgar OVA (ep 2.5) shows a little more skin in CM1 and offers some encouragement to ecchi fans and fans of Yume in particular…


You can watch CM1 here:


The important stuff in slow motion…

Not encouraging that girls are wearing towels in the bath…  Plus that water is really murky…

Shihoru’s boob bounce is nice.  Just wish we could see more…

Somewhat encouraging is seeing more skin from Yume in this scene…

Even more encouraging is seeing Yume’s bare ass for the first time.  We already knew that Yume had a great ass.  Just great to see it bare…


Fun to get one Yume scene in a stitch.  Both filtered and unfiltered.

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We did say the water is really murky, didn’t we?  Even after filtering you can’t see much…

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Had to include snapshots of Yume’s kicking scene.  Had to, I tell you.  Not only can you see her bare ass in a few frames, you can also see a little bare side boob in a couple of frames.  Check it out…

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You can watch PV1 here:


For reference here are the videos I made from PV1.  All of the major fanservice scenes with girls are in CM1 so I won’t cover them again here.  However some have additional frames and slightly more character artwork.


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OP 1.5 (Episode 06)

Enjoy some bonus videos and stitches in the new OP for episode 06 of Grimgar TV.   K in G should have a new Grimgar fanservice review in the not too distant future.

I’ve also seen the new OP called OP 1.5.

The girls (and guys) in really tight outfits is really something to see.  But no manservice here…

I’ve read that Mary is very popular with LN readers.  I must say that after episode 06, Mary is growing on me.  Something about a HOT and ICY girl with those looks…

Yume’s ass in a tight outfit just stole the show…

Shihoru “assets” are even more impressive in a tight outfit…

And all three girls at once.  Looks like the creators think the best assets for Yume, Shihoru and Mary are ass, boobs and legs…

I really like the main characters in Grimgar.  Especially now that there is an even mix of girls and boys now.  Sucks how they got there though…

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After watching Grimgar OVA PV1, it seemed like odds of nudity were really low.  They showed pretty much nothing in 2 minutes or 20% of the 10-minute OVA.  Too much screen time for the guys.  Too little screen time for the girls.  Plus the girls were always tightly clasping towels to their bodies — while in the bath!  Some side boob of a Shihoru boob bounce was nice but ecchi fans were hoping for more.

After watching Grimgar OVA CM1, it seems the odds of nudity in the OVA are better but still not great.  The Shihoru boob bounce seems to be a little better but more than anything we got to see some bare ass and bare side boob from Yume.  Plus she was doing a roundhouse kick.  The more motion while naked the better the odds of at least some partial nudiy.  But only time will tell.  With girls this hot, even a little more ecchi would go a long way.  Here’s hoping…

Plus I still think that Grimgar has some of the best looking backgrounds and watercolor paintings that I have seen in an anime in a long time.  Just hope that they show off the girls a little more in future TV episodes and in the OVA…


A tip of the cap to Anonecchi for the heads-up on Grimgar OVA CM1 in the comments here and there.

All of my HD images stitches were included.

Almost all of my HD WebMs were included but for downloading, you can find albums here: CM1PV1 and Ep 06.