This chapter will likely conclude the upcoming To Love-Ru Darkness season. And what a conclusion it will be.
Apparently some kind of “Darkness” program has overtaken Yami (who’s name literally translates as “Darkness” in Japanese, obviously). It’s kind of confusing to use the same exact word for both her name and her mode, but whatever, she’s now a damsel in distress and she needs help! Naturally, there are 7 billion people in the world but only Rito, the clumsiest (and luckiest) young man in the history of Earth can save her.
This Darkness program can only be shorted by Rito groping Yami the way he always has, except that the usual “act of God” method will be insufficient. (Hey, if I was falling over to cop a feel a hundred times a day, I’d call it an “act of God” too). No, this time Rito must actually grope like he means it, which I have to mention is pretty damn creepy if you applied this to real life in any way whatsoever. But hey, nothing about this manga is even remotely realistic- that’s the beauty of the ecchi genre. It can pretty much do whatever the hell it wants and get away with it.
So how does Rito do? He mans up and delivers. Even Rito couldn’t pass on an opportunity like this. Not only does he save Yami and the rest of the city, but he uses a particularly comical method to pull off the feat.
I’ll get to that in a minute, but first, Ryoko cleavage!
This chapter opens with some talking for the sake of talking. Seriously, you could probably cut this panel and not miss a thing, other than a rapturous vision of nurse Ryoko’s amazing jugs. But then again, that’s probably the point.
It sure would be nice if Ryoko had her own arc one of these days. Moving on…
After nearly a dozen “blah blah blah” panels, Rito finally exploits an opening when Yami’s offensive is countered by one of Momo’s… uh, spells? This leaves Yami temporarily disabled. Rito bum rushes in…
One of the things I really like about this manga is that even the action shots find ways to cram in top shelf service. Rito is about to turn Yami’s soon-to-be exposed breasts and nipples into Play-Doh, and when that happens readers aren’t going to care quite as much about that dental floss bikini bottom Yami is wearing down below.
Now is the time to get some lower body appreciation in, and that’s exactly what we get. We even get to see Yami’s asshole pretty clearly (and Rito’s face is right there for inspection). That is pretty damn pervy. I love how this manga is always finding ways to straddle the line. I’m guessing THAT little detail won’t be making it into the anime.
Now it’s time for Rito to enter a mode of his own.
I wouldn’t say To Love-Ru is an especially funny manga, but I liked this part. Rito goes fully into lecher mode the only way he knows how, by copying his cartoonishly perverted principal. “Yami-chwaaaaan!” Just perfect.
This manga has a way of compartmentalizing the ass shots from the R-rated frontal nudity. This chapter is no different, deferring from nipple sightings early but compensating with lower body appreciation, topped off when Rito gets in a two handed ass grab like he’s dunking a basketball.
Well, you can probably imagine what comes next. Of course, what makes this manga so great is that you don’t have to imagine anything for very long.
Rito does not hold back. What a glorious way to end the next season of the anime.
Rito’s efforts pay off. Yami returns to normal, and proves it by using her regular tagline.
Mea shows up, pretty much just so that this shot could happen:
Momo and Nana celebrate, while readers get to celebrate Momo’s top.
This arc is over. Say goodbye to Yami’s awesome Darkness-mode outfit. May it be cosplayed for decades to come.
And of course, this chapter leaves us with one last Darkness-mode ass shot for the road.
(Images taken from CXC scans)