The story centers on an introverted high school student named Eiji Hoshimiya with a huge secret – he wished for the destruction of the world when he was younger.
Fairies give certain people special powers called Orders, and what Order Users can do with their power depends on their wishes. Ten years after the Great Destruction, Eiji struggles to come to terms with his immense power.
This OVA was released as an Blu-ray disc with the limited edition of the 8th manga volume. The story follows a ”choose-your-own-adventure” interactive format wich is always fun, getting to decide wich road the MC will walk up on, but a pain in the ass for me, cause I had about 20 other videos with different ”paths” in wich I found the nude scenes as well.
The fanservice level is nothing out of the ordinary, some usual bath scenes, some panty flashes, overall, decent nevertheless. I really liked the redhead, in the bath scene. I found the animation and art of them titties pretty cool. Wouldn’t have hurt to see a bit more of the loli tho.
Without further ado, I welcome you to enjoy the presentation!
Thanks to our FapService user ”Anonecchi” for the first 4 gifs and for letting me use them! The rest of them I made myself, hope the quality isn’t too bad.
And some nice stitches!
To be honest… after I watched the 23 minutes OVA I didn’t had the slightes clue of what the hell actually happened. Aside from boobs and asses. Well… has good animation and some pretty girls, so you might wanna check it out.