Dimension W TV Episode 5 Fanservice Review

Dimension W might have a shot at nudity? While it’s impossible to say if there will changes on Blu-ray; the 5th episode provides more opportunities for changes to happen.

Remember when nudity was common in sci-fi anime like Cowboy Bebop, EVA, and ect? Dim W seems to be taking pages from those old playbooks while still keeping it fresh. The fanservice has been more than expected and it’s not even half way through yet. What more will Dim W deliver?

Episode 5:DimW_TV_ep5_00001 DimW_TV_ep5_00009 DimW_TV_ep5_00005 DimW_TV_ep5_00004 DimW_TV_ep5_00008This cutie gets more screen time this episode.DimW_TV_ep5_00016 DimW_TV_ep5_00017 DimW_TV_ep5_00020Mira is in a real pinch.DimW_TV_ep5_00022 DimW_TV_ep5_00025DimW_TV_ep5_stitch_000

DimW_TV_ep5_00030 DimW_TV_ep5_00037 DimW_TV_ep5_00042DimW_TV_ep5_stitch_001
DimW_TV_ep5_00045I really like how DimW does the close-up shots of faces. It hightlights the great animation quality this show has.DimW_TV_ep5_00029DimW_TV_ep5_00057DimW_TV_ep5_00058DimW_TV_ep5_00054DimW_TV_ep5_00072DimW_TV_ep5_stitch_003
DimW_TV_ep5_00182DimW_TV_ep5_00183We get another good view of Mira’s naked figure.DimW_TV_ep5_00190DimW_TV_ep5_00193DimW_TV_ep5_00201DimW_TV_ep5_stitch_010DimW_TV_ep5_00202
Here’s where good opportunities for changes on BD start appearing.DimW_TV_ep5_00203DimW_TV_ep5_00207DimW_TV_ep5_00208DimW_TV_ep5_00209I couldn’t help but laugh seeing this ‘censorship’. Almost had a great view of boobs, just needed one more second in this scene.DimW_TV_ep5_00210DimW_TV_ep5_00212
DimW_TV_ep5_00215DimW_TV_ep5_00219No, no, your hand is too high, lower baby, lower.DimW_TV_ep5_00220DimW_TV_ep5_00222DimW_TV_ep5_00226DimW_TV_ep5_00227Could easily add nipples here. Keep an eye on BD.DimW_TV_ep5_00230DimW_TV_ep5_00238
“There you are waifu! huh? No, I didn’t go out in that typhoon looking for ya, …BAKA!”DimW_TV_ep5_00276DimW_TV_ep5_00277DimW_TV_ep5_00278DimW_TV_ep5_00279“AH! That my fapping hand.”DimW_TV_ep5_00280

Manga Artwork:

Dimension-W-Manga-Vol-3-Cover Dimw001


Fan-Art: Fan-art is really picking up now. But where is the official artwork?

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Album Links:
Not all my caps made it in this post. Episode 5
Not all my videos made it in this post. Episode 5