They say “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” but when it comes to groping Froleytia’s boobs, it’s more like “eternal bliss if you do, eternal damnation once you’re done”… So what’s a guy supposed to do???
Once again, for another two episodes, Heavy Object avoids showing off much skin but makes up for it with lots of “male gaze” in spades and faceplants, boob gropes and the accompanying painful “penace”. To grope or not to grope???
Episode 11
Melinda is cute as a button. Froleytia has a great rack. And a great ass. And shows them both off. Faceplants are nice too! We also get to find out the sad backstory of why Froleytia is a noble woman who stays in the military instead of a life on leisure on the beach…
Episode 12
Heaven or Hell??? With, Froleytia, you just might get both!!!
From ripped clothing to a really cute nurse who gets chased away by Froleytia to a glorious boob grope in the name of protecting Froleytia from an unwanted forced marriage to the agonizing price Qwenthur had to pay. In a word, OUCH!
Eye Catches
Cute followed by sexy! Sign me up, baby!!!
Official Art
From naked aprons to bondage. It’s official, Heavy Object wants males to pay attention to their females…
Fan Art
From beach scenes to nude filters to unofficial dakimakura, Heavy Object fan art is looking good…
Overall Heavy Object continues to be a goofy comedy that gives us bits of goofy ecchi when we’re not expecting it. No shower scenes for a while but several different kinds of casual fanservice from pole dancing to face stomping. Whatever you do, be doubly sure to never ever piss Froleytia off…
The bad news is that Heavy Object BD1 has been released and as called in earlier fanservice reviews (click on Heavy Object category at the top to easily find them), the ladies’ boobs were blank! But all hope is not lost just yet. This show keeps getting goofier and keeps increasing fanservice, so they just might be goofy enough to add nipples when we least expect it. It certainly would fit their MO so far. If not, there’s a chance for an OVA with nudity. I could see that happening. The official art makes it more and more obvious that the creators want males to pay attention to the females in Heavy Object. Here’s hoping…
The original HD image stitch used to make the cover image can be found here. It’s also in the Episode 11 section of the article.
Not all of my HD WebM videos were included in the article. You can find my video albums for each episode here: 11 and 12.