Inuhiro Episode 5-6 Fanservice Review

Table-kun’s grand return!

Welcome back to the fortnightly Inuhiro review. I think doing 2 episodes at a time worked well for these two episodes as it starts and ends a small arc of Pochita meeting his kouhai again. Episode 5 involves Pochita going to Nekotani’s house because his apartment is right next to hers and meeting his kouhai Tsukishiro again. Episode 6 is basically just Pochita going to Tsukishiro’s house with her and then undressing her cause she has a fever. They cut out a section in episode 5 of Inukai sucking on Pochita’s tail which honestly is probably for the best cause in the manga it’s weird even for this show. They added that Nekotani’s shirt goes fully up as well in episode 5 which is another instance of a great addition that isn’t in the manga. Episode 6 they changed the way that Tsukishiro gets dressed which honestly is not as good as is done in the manga. There was a whole part where Tsukishiro uses the corner of a box and then wears a sweater not just a random pile of clothes. Overall, these two episodes were pretty good, lots of nipples and up-blouse shots. Both episodes also have special endings for Nekotani and Tsukishiro which was really random but maybe they got inspiration from Chainsaw Man’s 12 endings.

Episode 5:

Minecraft ass Nintendo Switch.

Right here is where they remove the whole tail sucking part, I’m not going to add it in this review but it’s chapter 7 if you wanted to read it.

Addition of Nekotani’s shirt being fully up.

Table-kun is back, last appearance was in Code Geass with Nina. So people have been saying that this scene had been toned down due to Tsukishiro not taking her panties off and a cut POV from Pochita’s angle. However, the table scene in the manga lasts literally a single panel whereas this is a solid 50ish second extension of the scene. At least they are adding and removing which cannot be said for a lot of other ecchi manga who only remove.

Special ending for Nekotani, strange but appreciated, nonetheless.

Episode 6:

Pochita taking her clothes off because she has a fever.

A lot of added scenes here compared to the manga.

I just included these stills of the room because the illustration quality is crazy good for an ecchi anime. It’s the little things.

This whole section was removed from the anime which is disappointed as I think the sequence that the manga used was a lot less clunky than how it was done in the anime.

Here Tsukishiro has just a pile of clothes on here whereas in the manga (below) she has a sweater which looks a lot better to be honest.

Special ending for Tsukishiro, once again was not expecting this but I can’t say I don’t like the little things like these.

GFY Album

Overall, these two episodes were paced decently, 3 chapters per 20 minutes worked well. Chapter 7 and half of chapter 8 was adapted for episode 5 and the last half chapter 8 and 9 for episode 6. I think the whole section of Pochita dressing Tsukishiro was a bit clunky but wasn’t too bad. The additions of Nekotani’s shirt fully up was good, and the removal of the tail sucking scene was also a good decision but removing Tsukishiro dressing herself and using the box corner was a strange choice. It’s clear from the previous table scene that they weren’t given the go ahead to do masturbation scenes without clothing in-between so they just cut it out in this section. Pochita and Nekotani’s voice acting were really good in these episodes which is consistent with the previous episodes. A large amount of nipples and a table masturbation scene probably makes these two episodes the best so far. Now all 3 main girls are introduced, and the story will be further progressed as Pochita realises that he should probably become a human again (no shit). If you haven’t, have a look at Wizard’s manga compilation for these scenes and previous episodes in the manga. Looking forward to the next 2 episodes and I’ll see you all next fortnight.