No surprises, plenty of boobs in Isuca’s first BD release

Isuca vol.01 cover

As feared, there are no fanservice mini-OVAs.  Regarding nudity, there was one close-up boob shot that was added.

I modified some of the images to be in stitched form.

Isuca vol.01 (1) Isuca vol.01 (2) Isuca vol.01 (3) Isuca vol.01 (4) Isuca vol.01 (5) Isuca vol.01 (6) Isuca vol.01 (7) Isuca vol.01 (8) Isuca vol.01 (9) Isuca vol.01 (10) Isuca vol.01 (11) Isuca vol.01 (12) Isuca vol.01 (13) Isuca vol.01 (14) Isuca vol.01 (15) Isuca vol.01 (16) Isuca vol.01 (17) Isuca vol.01 (18) Isuca vol.01 (19) Isuca vol.01 (20) Isuca vol.01 (21) Isuca vol.01 (22) Isuca vol.01 (23)

source: nylon66

The nipples look a little bit better than I thought they would, and the random close-up boob shot on the monster chic was a nice change.  Overall I am surprised an impressed that ARMS bothered with so many minor redraws SHAFT style, it seems they are learning (see the nylon link for all changes).

Still, this series definitely could have used mini-OVA extras, but I understand that business is business.

Given that the nipples actually look okay, I’m definitely looking forward to Tamako and Suseri’s scenes a lot more.

It looks like a bonus manga chapter was added though it strangely included no nudity apparently.


Isuca vol.01 (24)


Shame for ARMS that they decided to have this come out the same day as Testament.  I’ll have a Testament post up later today with my thoughts on that.