Josei no Qualia Subterranean rose OVA Fanservice Review

A Touhou OVA from Innocent Key from a while back.

Original title: 叙聖のクオリア ~Subterranean rose~

Most of this animation runs like a normal music video except when you get halfway into it. Koishi Komeiji is the main antagonist and holds Marisa captive.

I provide some links at the end of this post as well, be sure to check them out!

This post is split up into three main parts:

  1. First Half
  2. Second Half: Nudity
  3. Ending


First Half

So this is an OVA that runs at 4:45 in length. This part of the fanservice review is the first 2 minutes.

It starts with Marisa failing to defeat Koishi. She then puts on a Redo of Healer-esque face and chains up Marisa. I guess Koishi is into BDSM.

We enter some flashbacks where Alice and Patchouli look back at memories with Marisa before they go out to save her.

These three don’t make any other appearances for the rest of this OVA.

“Oh my god! She chained Marisa! Those bastards!”

Patchouli and Alice attempt to fire their projectiles at Koishi.


“That did nothing. Get fucked.”

Would’ve been nice to see Patchouli and Alice get their clothes ripped here for more fanservice. Oh well, at least we’ll get to see Patchouli’s nipple later.

After Koishi’s attack ends, Patchouli and Alice charge after with their fists. This reminds me of that scene from Estetica where the girls are in the onsen and try to attack, but fail.

The Estetica scene for reference.


Second Half: Nudity

Around the halfway point is where the OVA starts to take a turn.

Koishi: “Oh yeah, this cutie? She’s mine to play with.”

Marisa’s clothes rip as she’s chained up. As for the “interlacing effect” here, that’s in the original source footage unfortunately. It’s annoying but that’s how the animation originally was released.

If you look closely you can notice in the genital area the “lips” (labia majora). Nice attention to detail there without drawing the labia minora, Innocent Key.

Koishi shows off her armpits.

This is basically Koishi’s way of communicating to Marisa to shut up.

Alice proceeds to free Marisa from the chains.

How nice, a hug catch!

“Alright I kissed her, now before I let Patchouli do her thing I must first touch her breast.”

Patchouli reads out some sort of spell that allows her to revive Marisa. This is the best part of the OVA, where Patchouli and Marisa kiss fully nude.

Patchouli’s been hiding large breasts under that loose baggy dress.

A teardrop falls from Patchouli’s eye, then the view zooms to where it lands. A great excuse to zoom onto Marisa’s nipple. It also looks white which resembles–ok I’ll stop lol.

Reviving Marisa looks like she’s having an orgasm.



Koishi tries to attack again after Marisa is revived. More armpits from Koishi.

Everyone teams up on Koishi and then she gets wrecked.

Koishi’s clothes should have ripped for another potential fanservice moment. Oh well.


The character design that stood out the most to me in this animation is Koishi’s different outfit. Koishi has detached sleeves that resemble something more like what Reimu wears. I personally like it more than the original outfit.

An obscure OVA to say the least, but the short moments of nudity and yuri were actually quite nice in my opinion.


Other Links

OVA Streaming Link
Subterranean Rose OVA Post screenshots zip
Subterranean Rose OVA Post snippets zip
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