Juuou Mujin no Fafnir fanservice review episode 09

The last half didn’t have much fanservice so this’ll be the last post. On the bright side, we have a hotsprings episode!

2015-04-05_00-11-30 2015-04-05_00-11-41 2015-04-05_00-11-58 2015-04-05_00-12-38 2015-04-05_00-13-37 2015-04-05_00-13-49 2015-04-05_00-14-04 2015-04-05_00-14-15 2015-04-05_00-14-35 2015-04-05_00-07-29 2015-04-05_00-08-11 2015-04-05_00-10-30 2015-04-05_00-10-54 2015-04-05_00-11-14


Overall, this anime wasn’t anything special, as expected, there were some nice girls though.