Kenzen Robo Daimidaler is establishing itself as the most over the top ecchi series of the last few years. This second episode, with its intense focus on nipples, pleasure, and power ups, was very reminiscent of Seikon no Qwaser, but taken from the perspective of a shock-comedy rather than a serious drama.
DDL: 720p
Because this series has a great deal of ecchi and nude scenes that require context, I did a bit more of an expanded edit this time. The compilation begins by showing all clips in their essential context (nude and non-nude), then I did an extra repeat for the nude content in condensed form.
As far as this episode goes, the production values are up noticeably from the first episode which was nice to see.
Just the other day I mentioned how Takehito Koyasu keeps on finding himself in ecchi series and here he is again stealing the show as Kazuo, the master of groping. I also noticed that the narration of this series is handled by Rikiya Koyama, who you might remember as the voice of the masked maid guy. How perfect is that?
It’s still early but a surprising fact about this anime is that so far the majority of seiyuu are male, about 60% of the full cast. I’m sure that will change as more and more girls are introduced to service the viewers, but it’s extremely rare to see a male dominated seiyuu cast in today’s moe driven anime landscape, even moreso in an ecchi series like this that is all about sexy girls.
Anyway, I really enjoyed this episode and have very high hopes for the remainder of this series, which is starting to give off a bit of a Kamen no Maid Guy type of vibe for its pure weirdness and comedic irreverence. The service was quite nice as well. In particular I was very happy to see they wasted no time at all showing off Moriko, the sexy older woman archetype.