Koi Koi Seven manga fanservice compilation


Koi Koi Seven was a comedy-ecchi manga from the previous decade which had some substantial differences from its anime adaptation counterpart.  The anime was pretty bad by all accounts, but it actually added a ton of nudity that did not exist at all in the manga (a point in the anime’s favor).  Which helped make it a solid anime fan service compilation video.

The manga was much more focused on comedy than service for the most part, in fact there was a pretty big stretch near the middle of the manga’s run- over 10 straight chapters at one point- without a shred of nudity.  Up until the final edition, this series averaged just barely over two nude panels per volume (at roughly 200 pages per volume that’s only 1% of the panels having nudity).  And the nudity was often hard to see, for a brief time I actually thought this manga was non-nude because the nudity is easy to miss in the first two volumes.

Worse yet, the series had plenty of typical fanservice scenes primed for nudity- shower scenes, onsen scenes, etc, that were consistently censored with steam to avoid showing nudity, even in the tankobon versions.  Then, suddenly and without warning, the manga would surprise with a totally unexpected nipple sighting.  Unfortunately these instances were always brief and sometimes easy to miss.  It was as if the mangaka was just fucking with everybody.

Then the final volume came around and it was a big payoff for the readers who stuck with the manga all those years.  The final volume came out a couple years after the anime finished its run, and it’s possible the shameless servicing of the anime inspired the manga somewhat at the very end.  Pretty much all the girls get naked in the last volume, including a few characters that had never been seen fully nude before.  More than half of this manga’s nude panels are from the final (ninth) volume alone.  It took a while to get there, but Koi Koi Seven succumbed to everyone’s desire for pervy fun at the end.

Though the anime was nothing to shout about, the manga was actually quite satisfying.  The final volume felt like a revelation after reading 1500+ pages of tease.

Koi Koi Seven  (9 volumes, complete)



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(This compilation separated nude from non-nude images, with the non-nude images appearing first.)