Bite the sheets, here comes the light beam!
Nemesis has now taken center stage! Her plan to get Yami back into the fold is now in full motion. If you’ve read the Manga you should know what “Darkness” means, but I won’t spoil it for those that don’t. Besides that it was a typical anime festival episode with Rito doing the impossible of course.
We begin with Momo. Some nice candy apple action.
Dat nape!
Time for delusions of grandeur.
Mama Deviluke.
Only Rito knows how to crash into somebody, flip them over, de-robe them, then face plant for the money shot.
And he remembers to spread!
Finally some Nemesis action.
She’s going in dry.
Great episode this week if you’re a fan of brown loli. A shame they didn’t show off more Yukata action with all the girls. Get hyped for Dark Yami tho!