Episode four is a dedicated beach service episode, which of course means tentacles must become involved at some point. More “potential” nudity, though there were discouraging signs too.
Sankaku Complex had some nice GIFs as well:
There were two scenes where adding nipples could be easy. The first is when Onihime loses her bikini top to the giant squid:
The second is of course after Momoko’s transformation blows up as it has in every episode:
While it’s cool to see there has been “opportunity” in every episode, there was one part that just didn’t sit right with me.
Early in this episode, we have a changing scene for all the girls, and they are pretty much all topless at the same time. Every single one them is arm barring their boobs for the duration of the scene. Given that they are in a girls-exclusive changing room this makes no sense. Why cover up when only other girls can see? Silliness.
A true ecchi series would display this scene realistically and keep it PG-rated with various forms of censorship, or even just blank boobs.
The fact that there is zero chance for BD nudity from that scene despite it being such an obvious opportunity causes me to suspect this anime is just Project No.9 being in troll mode once again.
Regardless, if they DO opt for nudity Momo Kyun Sword , it will have enough sexy goodness to make for a quality ecchi series.
(Here’s a download link for anyone wanting the screencaps and GIFs.)