World’s End Harem TV review

Fapservice was unfortunately out of commission during World End Harem’s run, but I figured it might be worth the images from it.


There are too many images from 11 episodes to link here all at once, so below are some of the highlights.  The download link has all the images (800+).  My thoughts below the gallery.


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My thoughts on the anime.  To be completely honest, I stopped following the story about midway through, and just watched the raws after that.  The story wasn’t bad but I was already watching it multiple times to generate media, and it didn’t feel like I had the time to watch it again for the story.  So I can’t really comment much on the anime aspect.

As a fanservice show, I’d give it an A-.  Only about 70% of the nudity from the manga in the relevant chapters made it into the anime, with a lot of scenes being cut short.  For example, the school nurse gets her own sex scene (one of the best parts of the manga), but it is only shown briefly for a couple of seconds in a montage.  Given that the production values were relatively good (though still derpy in a handful of spots), this could have been an A+ tier ecchi show if they had fully delivered on everything, which they probably could have done if paced for 12 or 13 episodes.

The first volume of the blu-ray was #1 in presales which is a very rare thing to see for an ecchi show.  So it’s likely this anime will have been a commercial success.  With that said, sequels tend to make a lot less than original shows do and for that reason you almost never see ecchi sequels any more.  I doubt we get a season two, although perhaps it’s possible that the success of this show may help get World’s End Harem: Fantasia greenlit.