Yuri Kuma Arashi fanservice review episodes 1&2

Hello readers! I’m one of the new volunteers here at Fapservice and I’m proud to introduce you all to Yuri Kuma Arashi!

Hopefully I’ll catch up to currently airing episodes, however without further ado the service!

Starting off with the OP here:

[Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_02.38_[2015.02.06_21.02.19][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_02.40_[2015.02.06_21.02.28][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_02.42_[2015.02.06_21.02.35][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_02.59_[2015.02.06_21.03.15][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_03.02_[2015.02.06_21.03.31][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_03.12_[2015.02.06_21.04.10][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_03.12_[2015.02.06_21.04.16][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_03.34_[2015.02.06_21.04.47][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_03.40_[2015.02.06_21.05.34]


Next up, transformation sequence:


[Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_19.29_[2015.02.05_12.39.12][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_19.29_[2015.02.05_12.39.23][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_19.29_[2015.02.05_12.42.10][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_19.29_[2015.02.05_12.42.31][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_19.31_[2015.02.05_12.43.03][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_19.43_[2015.02.05_12.45.13][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_19.44_[2015.02.05_12.45.51][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_20.01_[2015.02.05_12.25.20][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_20.11_[2015.02.05_12.48.23][Asenshi] Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01 [97E8C378].mkv_snapshot_20.18_[2015.02.05_12.48.36]


Episode 2:




Well this is service for someone out there.



In terms to ecchi content this show produces a fair amount if you’re into girls loving girls. Censorship is minimum as there is no light beats, random fog clouds, or other objects blocking the way. I doubt the transformation scenes will differ much for Blu-ray release.

As a fan of the Yuri genre this is a pretty solid watch. Tensions are high all the time between each cast member. The show relies on a lot of symbolism and if you’re familiar with studio Shafts backdrops you will find a similar experience here.

I will note the artist style here is a bit different from mainstream anime. However, if you can get passed that you’re in for a ride of staying true to one’s love.