Shokugeki no Souma Fanservice Review episodes 2 – 4

So the past 2 weeks of Shokugeki no Souma have been almost as devoid of ecchi as a KyoAni show. BUT THIS WEEK IT HAS BEEN REDEEMED!

I’ll just get straight into it.

Episode 2

This episode we have a few images of best girl Erina.

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Another good episode and a foodgasm scene, Souma teasing Erina was golden.


Episode 3

This episode we have a foodgasm scene, but its nothing lewd.

Episode 4

We ramp up on the lewdness in this episode.

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And then we’re remind that hot chick is actually



Next up we have some Megumi goodness

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Promptly interrupted by your classic walk-in-during-bath/shower

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Someone arrest her for being so fucking cute.

WHmkteqHere’s a nice piece of ass





That concludes my post for today. Just a reminder that the artist of Shokugeki no Souma, Saeki Shun, is also a hentai artist with some well known series. It really shows in Shokugeki no Souma’s art. He really knows how to draw them curves.

Again, I highly suggest anyone who hasn’t picked up the anime or manga to do so. A very good read.