This is rather disappoint.
This is my assumption based on Pony Canyon being the major funder on the production committee, but I think one of the executives is simply doing his best to “Japanese boss” the production staff. That is, to come in, ramble incoherently, and let the staff members try to figure out what the boss meant. This happened with the inconsistencies in Mato Seihei no Slave which Pony Canyon was also the major producer on the production committee, and probably doesn’t bode well for that show’s upcoming season 2 either. That remains to be seen, though. This is the only explanation I have for the last episode having so much more fanservice and this one just outright being weird with it.
Let’s get on with the episode itself.
The episode continues on where last week’s left off. The cosrom is finished and all that is left is for Lilysa to burn it to DVDs to sell.
First we need romcom shenanigans. Lilysa wonders what she should wear so enlists the aid of Mikari in this task.
I wanted to make a stitch out of this as there’s a bit more to it, but it’s a shot where 2 different layers are moving at once. This shows pretty much everything that needs to be shown. But yeah, Lilysa’s ass crack here is okay but as we’ll find in the rest of the episode other things have been nerfed.
Mikari in the bath. The manga doesn’t show her nipples.
I’m just going to add this from the latest chapter, chapter 168. Mikari is full of nothing but good intent. This is very unfortunate, because most of Mikari’s best scenes come in later parts of the manga and I’m very doubtful the anime will get that far.
From chapter 105. You won’t see this in the TV anime.
Lilysa shows up in the outfit that Mikari picked for her. Mikari is proud because she is a good girl that can do no wrong. Lilysa and Okumura then go on to find activities for otaku to do, but can’t find any, especially since the anime cuts out the restaurant scene.
Again this doesn’t make any sense since they’ve shown the front side of panties and the back side, but at the same time they’ve cropped and done other weird stuff. What is even going on?
Commando girl receives some nerfs, but it’s also very weird because they also show Magino’s covers where she’s in very erotic poses.
Magino shows up as the least nerfed part of this episode. I guess that bodes well for future episodes, but with this adaptation I can’t even be sure on that.
Nerfs to the women in the changing room, though this final shot is anime original and there is a good shot on that booty to the right.
Eli shows up, the most winningest side character in the entire narrative. As to why she gets this status will be revealed later. Eli recognizes Lilysa.
Lilysa gets changed and is ready to charge out and show the world her Lilliel cosplay, but is stopped by the other women because she’s not allowed to take that booty out in public. Eli gives up her shorts so that Lilysa can cover her booty.
This is pretty much the end of the episode outside of Lilysa walking out in what looks like just key frames that were not filled in correctly with in-betweens to make the animation smoother.
Episode 04 covers the rest of chapter 10, 11, 12 and up to the end of 13.