Adam’s Sweet Agony Episode 3 Hentai Review

Locker room time with the prince of the school.

Episode 3 focuses on Aki, who her classmates know her as the “prince of the school” — she ended up being late and went to change for PE class, but then it turned into an unexpected visit with our MC Itsuki.

Reminder of the female characters below!


Main Review

The episode starts with Itsuki learning that there isn’t any separation by gender in the locker rooms for changing since all men (except for him) have erectile dysfunction. Being surrounded by girls undressing, Itsuki stays sitting down to hide his erection.


Aki Scenes

Aki was late in arriving for PE class, and rushed to the locker room to change.

Aki knows something is up with Itsuki just sitting there with his hands over his crotch, hence her change in expression. She tries to bait him by saying he’s ashamed to show his “useless parts”.

Yup, there’s the boner.

With Itsuki now having a raging boner, and him saying he can’t cool it down on his own will, Aki is going to help him relieve it.

What’s interesting to me is how there will be switches to a transparent penis, then mosaiced skin color. Not sure what the reason for this is, just an observation.

After the handjob, Aki then goes pornstar mode and starts doing the blowjob.


Aki uses this as an opportunity to feel and taste Itsuki’s semen. Afterwards, the episode goes out to the school’s running track field and ends.


Episode Conclusion

This a much more straightforward episode. I still don’t like how the scenes switch to just the faces abruptly during the sexual scenes though. I ended up leaving those transitions out in the video snippets I’ve been making for my reviews of this series.

On another note: you can see Episode 4 in the meantime which has Yue (the blonde girl).


Other Links

Adam’s Sweet Agony Episode 3 Stream Link (English Subs)
Adam’s Sweet Agony Episode 3 Stream Link (No Subs)
Adam’s Sweet Agony Episode 3 Post screenshots zip
Adam’s Sweet Agony Episode 3 Post video snippets zip
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