Anne-Happy♪ (Not So) Mini Fanservice Review Episodes 09 – 10

anne-happy fr eps 09 - 10 cover 01

School swimsuits, bikinis AND kimonos???  Sounds like a triple-barreled shotgun approach…

Fair warning.  Anne-Happy is much more moe than ecchi.  If you are allergic to moe and/or mild ecchi then you might want to skip directly to the comments here.

We’ll stick with a mini-fanservice review format for the rest of the reviews.

Episode 09

New sensei has nice cleavage…

Ruri gets outed on her pink underwear by her friends.  XD  We did get to see them once…

School swimsuits are way too sexy for how little they actually reveal…

Ruri and Botan look great in school swimsuits…

Hibiki too. Even when she loses her temper a little…

Ass shots were all too far away. Drats…

002 - nIV5GgS 005 - w4iqQ14 007 - waPHlLY 010 - d7KVpTL 014 - SAYWdWy 015 - hJIi2id 018 - PbmvBLU 019 - Oi1q10W 023 - fXwF8on 026 - QTOflRI 033 - SYbqA2h 035 - YaGvwwT 037 - UJQJAsj 038 - qmhhP3u 039 - Rn6kfof 040 - 4h7lg1j 041 - 7I8dmIS 042 - mAS7ouK 044 - zKkWNd3 047 - Gmya6XF

048 - B3bsNsI 049 - i5fcb2Q 050 - qveiQPU 051 - ODGiEKq
052 - gsz1uyI 053 - VmAkPDP 055 - OoO8O7a
058 - WUM1HAQ 061 - MNJw8pS 062 - xNwaqkH 063 - edNmXDZ 064 - XG3BQRv 065 - CNYqnSI 066 - MHvDEex 067 - EroZHBf 068 - cn3Xeos 069 - DD7MAJB
070 - nSsulF9
071 - trqQacA 074 - Hj0RT9o 078 - YDs0ahu
082 - 6w9YBZf 085 - ATp5h1U 088 - qWHfL1r 090 - rqgclee 091 - Mbt8U6E 092 - RX4Mle1 093 - ZqZGbbr 094 - fBzmuXO 095 - RF8N15k 098 - 8orfUH2 099 - j8EPW3s 100 - pBmAwyV 101 - UfSWGsA 104 - EUciznZ 106 - 7eaxRnH 109 - G82SOzQ 112 - jDCVzPu 113 - TsSuVPd
114 - 0r0T6Yv 115 - 9FFEJ3R
120 - F6KGg3t 124 - vfLVtHI 129 - UtaXZ4a 131 - m17FTfD 136 - pROL5qs 138 - NdPokJF 139 - LSCfjke 145 - P62vEs0 150 - KUlbbrk

Episode 10

Skirt twirling is fun to watch…

Watching the girls do Karaoke is fun too…

Finally we get to see the girls in bikinis! Took them long enough. And they weren’t on screen nearly long enough… 🙁

The girls do look really good in bikinis though…

The stitch of Hibiki and Ren in bikinis turned out to be really hard to make. Lots of FX and the girls are shifting in opposite directions…

They cut off the mouth-to-mouth part of the resuscitation… BDs maybe?

A blushing Hibiki in a bikini is just too cute and sexy…

The girls look good in kimonos too…

01 - 4kzovUZ 02 - X3y8EUw

06 - mIJkjIu 07 - Z1jQVAQ 08 - JNuYxXX 11 - sVPnfvj 12 - v8wFeWo 13 - B25R1Re 15 - EOIqvxU 16 - oKAVRps 19 - F8Znnj8 22 - BdwXviF 23 - 4A7nuyy 25 - jTkpOHJ
26 - 4cprUqk
27 - 2t83B1T
28 - SdU0lqn 29 - 7ZaKIE6 32 - qERVeYZ 35 - 1n6F7SW
37 - Q6gwJRC 38 - qCVFJdT 42 - yfdSwFR 44 - IRpKqLh 45 - jqZ36yF 46 - ZhB5pqR 47 - IvLkPmI 49 - WoNJ07B 50 - iB4REIF 52 - 7BewaEQ 53 - dBiiBqq 54 - Rc9lFDl 56 - eJh90PR 58 - R0B8qQs
59 - MWWEN6A 60 - c4PkxpO 61 - CeOGaNA 63 - 8TBYJYD 64 - k3jNIQz 67 - S4Yv2JA 68 - HaMVdXO
69 - xCQXA5m 73 - Pazc5XO 75 - SCsicT5 76 - SWwEmVS 77 - 2mcOTsI 78 - c6oEwyu 79 - DkMALoi 86 - BeME5A0 90 - 4F7G2tO

Omake Galleries

Starting to see a lot more fan art for Anne-Happy.



Really nice to see the girls in school swimsuits, bikinis and kimonos.  Especially the bikinis.  They look so cute and sexy.  Not enough bikini time though.  Too short.  And too many stills.  The budget might be running low…

I really like the watercolor-ish backgrounds, the character designs and the eye designs.  Plus making stitches and videos for this show has been fun.  I really like the end cards and eye catches too.  Some really nice artwork.

Ruri and Hibiki have some of the best reaction faces this season.

I happen to like HEM (Harem Ecchi Moe) shows a lot.  But most moe shows don’t even try to be sexy.  Including a few this season.  But Anne-Happy is trying.  Even though the effort varies from episode to episode  Still better fanservice than expected for a moe slice-of-life show even if it’s only mildly ecchi.  And it’s still really moe + sexy with a really fun group of girls…

So no chance of nudity in Anne-Happy now or on BDs but it’s still a fun show with unexpected but mild ecchi if you are not allergic to moe and/or mild ecchi.


Not all of my HD webms were included.  You can find my album here: 09-10.