Koi Koi Seven manga fanservice compilation

Koi Koi Seven was a comedy-ecchi manga from the previous decade which had some substantial differences from its anime adaptation counterpart.  The anime was pretty bad by all accounts, but it actually added a ton of nudity that did not exist at all in the manga (a point in the anime’s favor).  Which helped make it a solid anime fan service compilation video.

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Seikoku no Dragonar fanservice review episode 01

Seikoku no Dragonar in anime form, so far at least, feels a lot more like Zero no Tsukaima than I would have expected going in.  And I mean that as a compliment. I can only speak for myself, but within the first 30 seconds I was immersed in this anime.  Everything from the surprisingly good art and character design to the atmosphere and music really helps to pull the viewer in.

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Blade and Soul 01 fanservice review

The promos for Blade and Soul painted a very clear picture of a series that would be about fanservice first, action second.  Yet surprisingly, the first episode was full of action and even some graphic violence, but only featured one (tasteful) nude scene and though we got a few bare butts, there wasn’t a single pantsu shot which is typically the backbone of any true ecchi series.

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