We get an anime original ending that is actually believable as a real ending, given that it’s equally as absurd as all the episodes that led up to this point. Asread seemed to prioritize art quality and service over story to the bitter end. Not that that’s a bad thing.
Episode 9
Episode 10
And so concludes one of the least coherent anime I have ever watched. If there was ever a show to watch purely for the art and titties, it’s Big Order. It’s not every show I say this about, but there are some series where nude service is a saving grace. Big Order is one such show.
Asread typically does an outstanding job with the quality of their anime, particularly by the standards of other nude ecchi shows. This is probably their “worst” such show maybe ever, but it’s still hard not to be impressed by their skill for quality art and their willingness to get raunchy. Even going so far as to portray a sex scene with our protag and his step-sister (who they make special effort to mention isn’t 14 yet) shows that Asread still has plenty of backbone… especially by the regressive standards of “[the current year].”
It wasn’t even a necessary scene and hasn’t yet appeared in the manga to my knowledge. To whom it may concern at Xebec, I hope you are taking notes on this. Here we have clearly stated underage imouto nudity, even nude imouto pseudo-incestual intercourse, and nobody is rushing to burn down Asread’s studios right now.
I do have to give Asread credit, they aced their opportunities in the nude service department. Not a single nude scene from the manga was missed as far as I’m aware (the anime covers the first six manga volumes before going anime original), and in some cases they were improved upon. For example, Iyo’s love scene from episode nine results in her becoming full bellied pregnant during the act in the manga, something the TV version thankfully spares us from.
I don’t expect this series will be financially successful, but I hope it doesn’t cause Asread to change their ways. I doubt it will, since many of their past shows failed to sell that great either. I really have no idea how the find the money for their consistently good artwork. Hats off to them.
As far as Big Order goes, I wouldn’t recommend it. I did enjoy Mirai Nikki enough to give it a cautious recommendation, since the problems of that series were held in balance with its triumphs. But with Big Order, it’s just one big mess that cut so much material out to squeeze into ten episodes that the story feels completely incoherent. Just wait for the fanservice compilation in six or seven months. It will be a lot better than the anime was.