Why are fox girls so foxy + sexy + cute all at the same time???
Another artbook that just happened to catch my eye. Mainly because I’ve been a fan of Tateha’s Dog Days fanart for quite a while. And their fanart is some of the best that I have seen showing off the Dog Days girls in their au naturel beauty including nipples! Granblue Fantasy is another anime with quality animal girls that Tateha has done fanart for. Sweet. Especially if you like them short and stacked!
So when I came across this pool of a Tateha’s doujinshi artbook about fox girls, I just had to put together an artbook compilation. Had to. Even if the girls are not from an anime. (COMIC1☆17) [Marvelous Grace (Tateha)] Kitsune Mofumofu 6 is the third of three such pools on yande.re (to date).
Tateha (Marvelous Grace) is a hentai artist (circle) that seems to have worked for Circus on VNs (including Da Capo and more) until 2014 or so. They have also done some of the best fanart for Dog Days that I have seen. A Google TL of their Wikipedia.ja page said this: “A gorgeous style is characteristic, and he draws works that are particular about animal ears and breasts.” No kidding! Since 2014, it seems that they have mostly focused on doujinshi artbooks but sadly no new Dog Days or Granblue Fantasy artbooks so far. So his artbooks of sexy fox girls will have to suffice for now…
Relevant links:
Official site
JA Wikipedia
Any and all information on Tateha (Marvelous Grace) , especially recent information, would be greatly appreciated!
If you know more about this artist or artbook , please do leave a comment.
Anyway, please enjoy the scans of (COMIC1☆17) [Marvelous Grace (Tateha)] Kitsune Mofumofu 6 as found on yande.re.
For the sake of faster page loads, I only uploaded the JPG versions. If you would prefer the PNG versions, you can find them in the yande.re pool. Just be warned that if you try to download more than 2 PNGs at a time, you might get banned.
Please feel free to add your favorite Tateha (Marvelous Grace) scans to the comments.
And please leave a comment if there are other artbooks that you would like to see a blog post on.