Date A Live Movie: Mayuri Judgement fanservice compilation [UPDATED]

A mysterious sphere appeared in Tengu City alongside a mysterious girl.

[UPDATE1] By reader request, this post has been recovered and updated with new links. delmogeny may have retired a long time ago but his fanservice compilations still continue to be popular… Unfortunately, it was not possible to recover the old comments.

[UPDATE2]  As part of the delmogeny archival project, this video compilation was re-uploaded since it was no longer online after many years.  delmogeny may have retired a long time ago but his fanservice compilations still continue to be popular.

Date A Live is a Japanese light novel series written by Kōshi Tachibana and illustrated by Tsunako (Character Designer for the Hyperdimension Neptunia Series). An anime adaptation series aired on TV from April 6 to June 22, 2013. Following the end of the first season, a second season was announced, titled Date A Live II, which began airing from April 12 to June 14, 2014. At the end of the second season, a theatrical film adaptation was announced. Date A Live Movie: Mayuri Judgment premiered on August 22nd 2015.

I got to say if I’d known how little service was in this film I would’ve just crammed these 3 minutes into the Second Season’s Fanservice Compilation. While I have no idea what was happening it really seems like a bad ripoff of the first Sora no Otoshimono movie but this is what I gathered while compiling this: After a Miku concert the main posse head to a pool where there is some good swimsuit service with most of the girls. After that Shidou goes on another date with all of the main spirits for… reasons. And near the end Mayuri shows up and eventually dies/disappears and MC promptly cries. THE END.


Download Link(s)

DDL: 720p