Dokyuu Hentai HxEros Episode 11 Fanservice Review

Some (future) bathing nudity, gender bender, and a magical girl transformation.



Overall Thoughts


The bathing scene figures to be decent on blu-ray, though it could have been better as there is a bit too much covering up and too many soapy suds.  The magical girl transformation scene looks sexy and hints at nipple sightings on BD, if only for a few frames.  Overall service was a bit light this episode, but most ecchi shows tend to be lighter on service towards the end so that’s not unexpected.

The story has gotten a lot weaker recently after an okay start early on.  I think too much emphasis has been put on Kirara and Retto in the anime, to the point where the other characters feel like they are far in the background compared to the manga.

I’ve praised the series a lot for the consistently high art quality, but last week the art showed some cracks, and this week the art was flat out terrible for about half the episode.  Derpy faces everywhere.  It looked like it was drawn by an intern.  Thankfully the fanservice scenes (mostly) still had good art quality.