With a strong Fall season finally drying up, June represents a relatively barren month for ecchi fans. The few releases we do get do not lack for intrigue though.
May 30th
Yuushibu vol.06
The Fall 2013 season was one of the deepest seasons ever on record for nudity, with five total anime series opting to animate nipples, six if you include Yukina’s wet T-shirt moment in Strike the Blood’s first cour. Yuushibu’s sixth volume is the last release from that group of shows.
With any luck, the raw providers won’t delay too badly and there will be a bunch of new content videos on the site soon.
June 25th
Strike the Blood vol.06
This series “went there” by faintly showing nipples in only the second episode, but since then they have wasted chance after chance for nudity on blu-ray. Volume six features the first heavily censored bath seen that will tell us just what kind of series this will be.
Knights of Sidonia vol.02
The manga had light nudity, and the first blu-ray volume of the anime was perfectly in lock step with the manga in this regard. I haven’t watched this show so I don’t know what to expect, but this could still be a blu-ray release worth keeping an eye on just in case.
June 27th
Maken-Ki! Two vol.04
Guess who stars in volume four? Guess who. The wait for these blu-rays is taking years off my life.
July 2nd
Seikoku no Dragonar vol.01
If not for Maken-Ki Two, I would have said that this first installment of Seikoku no Dragonar would have been the most anticipated ecchi release in the last couple years. This series has massive potential for nudity, which is really unusual considering that the TV broadcast had the look and feel of a mainstream anime.
There is a lot of Eco nudity in the early episodes, so much of it that the whole complexion of the series will change if they add nipples to her body. Will they go there? I’m guessing they will since the manga did, but it’s not a sure thing. It will be interesting to find out.
Interesting side note, there is no release for Wizard Barristers in June. Or in August. That’s right, volume three isn’t slated to hit store shelves until September 2nd, three and a half months after the release of volume two.
I don’t know if this was intended from the start or not, but given the unusual nature of volumes one and two paired with very weak sales, it wouldn’t surprise me if ARMS issued a recall to further improve volumes three through six.
Additionally, Kenzen Robo Daimidaler does not release its first volume until the end of July, which is also when the final Queen’s Blade Vanquished Queens OVA is set for release.
Hiraku Kaneko’s Seven Deadly Sins two episode OVA is slated for release this year supposedly, though I haven’t yet been able to track down a release date.