Aw, fudge…
Episode 4, Part 1
A hungry doggo is seen looking at panties, I mean, begging for food from various people.
A little girl also gives it a treat, but then notices that the dog is FAT.
Naoe and Elfuda are also out for a jog, but only those two because the others overworked themselves somehow.
Oh, and here’s the isekai door in plain sight, the one all these girls have passed through. One day Naoe will go there and have crazy sexy adventures with magic and weapons and more giant isekai women. But not really because he has no magic, so, never mind. Back to jogging.
This is where The Human meets the next addition to his harem. A dog. That’s great, because he loves dogs.
He really really
really really
really really really loves dogs.
Surprise! The dog was a big juicy lady Lycanthrope/Werewolf all along.
Laika‘s story is that all the treats she’s been begging for have finally caught up to her, and has been trying to jog the weight off since, but she’s just too heavy to do it for a longer time.
Naoe recommends various stretches for up to 5 minutes a day, which will help loosen her muscles for less-strained exercise and improve her immune system as well.
With newfound energy, she now recognizes The Human as an alpha and naturally does as he commands. He says the word “beg” and she does her best to resist the embarrassment of doing so.
Laika then fursonas out because she couldn’t resist being a good girl. Elfuda finds this hilarious and ends up getting her butt kicked.
Episode 4, Part 2
AW YEAH! Pool episode!
But not with these two. Chlorine is bad for mermaids and the head flower is too fat to swim. Sorry if you’re a fan of these two, but they’ll be back. While Naoe coaches the elves, Oga and Laika just do their own things.
So, why swimming this time? Because so we can see them all in swimsuits exercising daily in water takes up a lot of energy, with all that underwater resistance putting their muscles to work, while the buoyancy reduces joint stress.
Butt these two don’t know how to swim. That’s ok, because they can walk instead.
Oh, look. The Boss is here!
But that’s not really the Boss. That’s actually just some girl named Oku and she’s wider than her.
A half-hour later, the girls’ legs are all worked out. Naoe suggests adding protein to their diet, specifically pork which contains a nutrient that can turn fat into energy. But…
Oku is against that thought of cannibalism, because she’s a porky pig too. Or rather, an ORC y pig.
She’s travelled out of her isekai home because she’s tired of all the jokes about her race being fat and slow, and learns of an ancient human world technique (dieting) that will redeem them. Swimming was just up her alley for her quest for weight loss.
Days later, Oku cries wee wee wee all the way to the clinic to reveal that she regained weight instantly since the pool’s been closed that whole time. Anyway, now she’s part of the harem.
Episode 5, Part 1
Time for a workout at the playground! But why there? It’s crowded with kids. That’s not an ideal place for a workout. What were they thinking?! This wasn’t thought out at all!!!

Here’s Oga being a fun mom. Somehow, this is implied that she’s a PDF by the way she’s defensive about it….I think. It’ll probably be more evident later…
Anyway, some kid is seen lining up others. Turns out she’s demanding payments from anyone trying to use HER playground.
Kuroeda doesn’t take kindly to this little brat and threatens her, butt…
…the little kid is somehow much stronger than she looks. But Oga can take her, easily. She also wants to take her easily. Uh oh…
They ask what her problem is. She takes candy from other children because she was abandoned by her parents, and does what she needs to survive.
Oga easily falls for her fake sob story, but Elfuda sees that her lie is just as fat as the little girl’s face.
The little bully is enraged by that quip about her weight and breaks away from Oga’s sweaty grasp. Elfuda takes a shot at her and realizes that the girl is a Kobold named Kobo. By now you’ve noticed the naming convention of all these characters. Next episodes will feature Beary the Bear, Mousey the Mouse, and Chickadee-y the Chickadee. Get it?! Because…yeah…you get it.
They’re not afraid to fight her neither since kobolds are actually adults despite looking like children, so it’s a fair fight. You know what’s not fair? Drawing a kid and calling them an adult. You can do the opposite, but don’t do me like otherwise. 🤢
Kobo-chan retorts by calling Elfuda fat and dodges every arrow launched at her. Her short size makes her extremely agile and a smaller target…but then…
…she’s still not small enough to sneak through small spaces on account of all the candy she keeps stealing from kids. Naoe offers to help slim down her chubby cheekies if she promises to stop hassling others.
Yes. These are real exercises. Fat goes in your face too, and these motions and stretches will strengthen the jawline and other muscles in it. Also they help you talk bettew if you have an adowabwe speech impootaboot.
Later, kids are still giving up their candy and such. But this time they’re doing it willingly because they think she’s attractive now (and so does you-know-who). Thus, still ensuring that she kept her promise.
Episode 5, Part 2
Before the episode starts, we see some delicious brown thicc stalker stalking the human. Who is she? We’ll find out.
Butt first…
Naoe notices that Elfuda’s still fat because she gorged on limited edition-flavor fries, so now he demands that she goes “cold tater.” But she won’t stand for that.
What’s this? Now The Human is FAT. Now it’s his turn. But as the health practitioner, he is determined to take responsibility for his bowl of jelly.
No other solution than a daily workout, and a steady, well-portioned diet of water, fiber and fermented food to keep the body regular.
But no. All that work was for nothing because he ended up gaining weight anyway. And then this happens:
Now that’s what I call “food porn.”
Wait, why is this happening?
It was all just a dream, actually. Never mind. Time for breakWAIT A MINUTE!
Turns out the dream was all this delicious lady’s doing. Right now, she just wants him to keep eating the delicious food she’s cooked especially for him.
The two elves jump in to save him from the newly introduced antagonist. She’s revealed to be a Satyress who has the power to hypnotize people in order to feed off their avarice for sustenance, and what better way to do it with food because she loves to cook. Oh no, Antagonist just might be best girl…Anyway, NOW THEY FIGHT!
Elfuda shoots off the Satyress’ apron and reveals her big, brown, delicious, uncensored that she’s a FATTYress too. She teases her because she got fat by eating greed, which isn’t even a food. This could only mean that her tummy’s just full of air like a balloon.🎈
Now she’s angry! She’s about to blow
out of his apartment because she got embarrassed.
But this won’t be the last we see of her. Satero has left her mark on him, and she will try to stalk him again. But Elfuda knows exactly how to prepare for that…
Now The Human officially has his harem. They will take shifts at his apartment for when the Satyress returns, as well as hang out, too. Yup. Imagine alternating between different thicc wives to live with you everyday. Lucky MC.
Not the “baby” though. She can go sleep at the playground.
ED Stitches
Closing statements:
These two episodes were sadly lacking in nudity, but at least we got ONE character out of it. Unfortunately, this is practically the ONLY time you’ll see Satero’s delicious brown nudity, because the fanservice industry seems to sideline that skin color for reasons I’ve yet to understand. You’ll still see a lot of Kuroeda though, but I prefer them to be big on both halves.
Episodes 4-5 are based on Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 10