Just another karaoke date.
[UPDATE1] Unfortunately, NoxBasket deleted her gfycat account after she stopped writing for fapservice. Her WebMs for this review have been re-uploaded to gfycat and the album link has been updated. In addition, gfycat embed code was updated from an old WordPress plugin to newer Responsive Iframes. Please note that this is a review of the TV show as it aired and not the BDs.
Fanservice isn’t as strong as the last episode. Junichi’s friends end up taking a good chunk out of the running time for the sake of comedy relief in the first half. The second half’s focus is on Junichi and Yame’s date. Sadly we don’t much service from the other girls, guess we’ll have to wait until their cue comes…
A true hero.
Now onto yet another fantasy!
Who doesn’t like licking?
Poor Nene is saddened by the sight of Junichi and Yame.
This is what couples do when doing karaoke right?
Yet another fantasy. The highlight of this episode for sure. Junichi maybe just another ungodly MC-kun but man, he has good imagination.
Cut back to reality. The two actually begin having genuine fun together. Nothing terribly crazy happens. Shocker, right?
Incoming rival…
And…end card!
Click here for the full album.
From the looks of it, the anime has skipped a couple of chapters from the manga (these chapters mostly focus on Junichi trying to kiss Yame, and of course failing miserably) and then closely follow the chapter titled “My First Karaoke” (which is unsurprisingly the title of this episode). The kissing chapters do have some fanservice (with this being the highlight), but definitely not as much as the karaoke one.
Despite this, I’d say the anime is following the manga’s service rather closely, if not adding more. I would take this as a good sign, and I still look forward to future episodes.