High School DxD BorN 01 fanservice compilation (TV)

A very good start for DxD’s third season.

DDL 720p

There are funny jokes.  The story moves along quickly.  And there are a LOT of boobs.  I’m reasonably sure this episode showed more bare breasts than any previous DxD episode ever has, at least when not counting the director’s cut additions in season 2 of course.

The ‘DBZ scouter’ joke was pretty cool, in that they went there.  Aika wants to tell Issei his penis size?  (It’s over 9000!).  The Funimation dub will have a lot of fun with that scene, no doubt.

Though obviously you can see all the good parts here, I’d recommend watching the full episode if you have 23 minutes to spare.  More than a few laughs, and it’s impressive how many things the episode did well while cramming in so.. many… boobs.

If you didn’t see it, I also added some extra images and gifs to Branden’s High School DxD BorN image review from Saturday, so be sure to check that out too.