Inuhiro Episode 7-8 Fanservice Review

Panties galore.

Welcome back to the fortnightly Inuhiro fanservice review. These two weeks episodes are a lot more tame compared to the last couple and only really have panty shots, but man do they have a ton of them. Episode 7 is a game of “house” between Tsukishiro and Inukai and Episode 8 is Pochita’s first time returning to school since he got turned into a dog. We also learn about how Pochita got turned into a dog and a glimpse of who was behind it. I personally really enjoy how the manga went from this point onwards, so I am excited to see how far into it they get before the end of the season. The animation quality has gone down ever so slightly but not enough to make it really noticeable to be honest so I can’t critique this aspect, but it is an observation. The voice acting remains the strongest part of the show for sure, Pochita’s voice actor is really shining. They gave Inukai her own ending as well in episode 8 but for some reason it’s animated rather than a real person walking like the other 2 special endings. With that said, here are the episodes.

Episode 7:

We start off by learning that a girl in a labcoat gave Pochita these chocolates which turned him into a dog, he finally remembered.


Game of house between Tsukishiro and Inukai.

This may be the greatest ecchi gif ever made. Someone needs to edit Jotaro and Dio’s ora/muda over it.

Inukai ends up winning the game due to a disqualification.

Episode 8:


Pochita goes to school with Inukai in order to find the labcoat girl who turned him into a dog.

Here the proportions of Inukai’s face just seem strange, this was a solid 3-4 seconds in the anime so I’m suprised they didn’t spend longer on drawing the illustration better.


Gotta give the anime it’s props, it turned a single panel scene into a 30 second ecchi fest.



They decided on a maid cafe with dogs.

Special ending for Inukai but they didn’t do it in real life this time for some reason.

GFY Album

Overall, a pretty boring 2 episodes and ahead in the manga it starts to slow down in terms of ecchi constantly like the first 6 episodes but when there is ecchi it’s done extremely well, and I enjoyed it a lot so I hope they’re able to convey the same aspects the manga does. If you’re into panty shots, these episodes would’ve been heaven but since there wasn’t as much content, there aren’t as many gifs this time and I believe 9 and 10 will be similar but 11 and 12 should be good. As I said at the start, the manga from here dives more into the story aspect and builds the characters more which is done surprisingly well for an ecchi manga, and I hope they get to a decent point in the anime before the season ends. In terms of additions and removals, nothing was removed that was substantial from episode 7 or 8 and in episode 8 they added a whole scene of the locker room changing based on a single panel. This is good to see that they continue to expand on the source material. Now that we have been introduced to our 3 main female characters, I’m interested to see who the favourite is out of them from the fanbase. If you wanted to read along in the manga it is chapter 10, 11 and half of chapter 12. See you next fortnight and thanks for reading.