Kandagawa Jet Girls Episode 9 Fanservice Review

From the best episode of the season, to one of the tamest.

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Episode nine has basically no nudity. We are only given a single bath scene with a single nude shot too zoomed out to make out any details. A rather huge disappointment after the incredible service in episode eight. Racing makes an appearance again, in case anyone forgot that was a thing, and we get a formal introduction into the shrine maiden duo.

These aren’t actual characters, unfortunately. Just a showcase of the future Jet Racing nationals that the girls are now preparing for. Perhaps a tournament arc is on the horizon.

In the middle of an early morning training session they meet the older looking shrine girl (Fuuka), alone by herself hanging over a ledge. They are reasonably concerned.

Misa and Rin think Fuuka is trying to kill herself, but it turns out to be a false alarm. She then tries to kill herself for real out of embarrassment. A funny scene.

Fuuka thinks she is incompatible with her partner and fears being ditched after future failed competitions. Eventually the Kandagawa duo is able to talk her off the ledge, literally, by convincing her that the anxiety is self created and not a real concern. We then leap into the preparation stages for the next competition with some cameos of rival teams.

These girls have been in the gym since episode three. Since their competition we haven’t seen them perform any other action but running on treadmills and pumping iron with minimal service. Chubby girl is my Jet Girl waifu, so my disappointment is immeasurable that there hasn’t been more service with her enormous cow tits twice the size of anyone else. Imagine if she were in last weeks bathing scene? Hopefully their time to shine is soon approaching.

Of course, Jet Girls isn’t bold enough to actually follow through with the yuri teasing. But I suppose a shot of Rin and Misa in the middle of foreplay serves as some consolation.

Turns out Fuuka shifts personalities into a maniac during competitions. It is now apparent why she was depressed over incompatibility with her partner.

The lamest result possible was a draw. Team Kandawaga took a break from racing presumably to improve their camaraderie and racing skills, only for none of that improvement to be evident in actual competition and to not defeat a team who doesn’t even work together well. Kandawaga now falls to 1-2-1 on the season. A draw in the preliminary stage probably doesn’t harm their chances, but certainly doesn’t inch them forward either, which isn’t the best sign with only three episodes remaining.

The shrine girls have a wholesome moment together post loss. Inori calms down her partner and subsides all of that rage.

Misa is not impressed. This was the second choice for the preview image for this post.

Next Episode Preview

Not a very eventful episode. Racing scenes are more of detriment to service than a contributor; there is a zero chance of nudity while on the bikes and the stripping itself is usually very tame. There’s really nothing service wise that occurs in the competitions that couldn’t happen in a better way outside of it.

The race between the shrine maidens and kandagawa featured better animation than any other, which is a plus, but there wasn’t any buildup to the match to create high stakes and the result undercuts any meaning the match may have hoped to produce.

The shrine girls are very cute, and there were some solid shots from the episode that helped to display that. The next episode seems to be of the beach variety. Hard to go wrong there, should be an improvement on the fanservice front.

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