More Vermeil
This episode has a much lighter tone than the previous few, more of a slice of life tone. Alto tries his best to past his magic school exams, with the help of his busty demon companion.
as far as sheer magical output is concerned, Alto is among the elite in the country. So he has no problems completing this exam with support from Vermeil. Familiars are allowed to help their companions during this exam so technically this isn’t cheating.
This is one of the only episodes without am intimate bedroom scene between these two. But the back of a stairway will suffice just fine.
At this point, exchanging mana is no longer the purpose for these two exchanging saliva. They are just horny, and I’ll be disappointed if they dont fuck by the season finale.
This girl….or dude….who knows, is up to no good once again. She/He/They/It figures to be the major antagonist going forward, just judging by their creepy smile and shady actions.
Immediately after the ambiguously gendered villian straight up murders a student, we get a shower scene with the student council girls. Quite the jarring change in tone.
To no ones surprise by now, there is no nudity here. Not even so much as a blank boob or even a boob obscured by conveniently placed hair strands. Press X for doubt that there will be any improvements upon blu ray release.
Next episode will probably involve this character causing havoc on the academy, and forcing the duo of Vermeil and Alto to fight once again. We are quickly approaching the finale here so this figures to be the last major conflict of the season. Hopefully things end with a bang. Literally.