Knights of Sidonia finishes on a high note both service wise and plot wise!
Surprisingly enough, we have a chance for nipples to be added in these late stages of the anime. I was under the assumption, much like everyone else is I’m sure, that they were just going to focus on the plot side of things to wrap things up for this season. Glad they managed to pull this off and give us something extra in tandem with a strong finish…even though that something extra was a tad bit creepy.
Episode 10
Nope. Nothing to see here. All battle sequences and such made up this episode.
Though there is one thing that I would like to mention, that being Yuhata’s chest line. This shot is from episode 10
Whats strange about this is that her breasts have seemed to have developed unnoticeably or maybe unintentionally. Like, if you look at her bust in episode 7, she seems almost flat chested. Maybe the uniform adds a cup size or two.
Episode 11
Ahh. this is what I was waiting for. Things start up rather tame with some slight Izana butt and teasing.
Say what you want about Knights of Sidonia’s art style, but they sure know how to do butts.
Next up, a nude Benisuzume makes an appearance in a great show of creepy service.
And at that moment, confused boners were raised up all across the world.
Episode 12
The finale has some more nudity action.
Izana butt.
More nudity.
What followed this was a high-octane battle with Tanikaze and the rest of the Knights facing off against some Gauna things that I guessed kinda looked like Beholders.
After this battle, Benisuzume/Hoshijiro is still in Tanikaze’s cockpit naked and we get a glimpse inside.
Alright, that’s that.
Not gonna get much criticism for saying that season 1 of Knights of Sidonia was better than this season. This season was still fine and all, it had all the same qualities and such that the first season had. But in the end, it just felt like an intermission act, or a necessary arc in the show to get to brighter and better things like many season 2s do (Shakugan no Shana S2 comes to mind). I remember marathoning season one of Sidonia in 2 days after a friend recommended it to me when it was about to finish up. The show was so exciting, the slice of life moments were funny and the corruption and lore to the world was interesting. This season didn’t really push on any of those qualities with the exception of say, making the romance of Izana and Tanikaze blossom but that was about it. Not much happened this season, in fact I think I can count all of the important happenings on one hand which is quite sad for a show of this quality.
However, there is one thing that Knights of Sidonia S2 did right…
Enough of that rambling, lets talk about the service. As I said in my previous post, nudity is happening for this season of Sidonia. However, Volume 3 of the BDs were released on the 24th of June and sadly there wasn’t any changes (Link to BD changes . Thanks to ScissorMeTimbers for providing the link in the comments. Don’t know what I would do without the guy.) From those screenshots, it would seem that no nipples were added. If I was a betting man, I would have bet my life savings on there being nipples in that bath scene but sadly there isn’t any. I have yet to download the BD rip from Nyaa (if there is any, I have not checked yet) but I doubt the blogger missed anything.
Point is, I think we should take some of these screenshots from episodes 11-12 with a grain of salt, knowing that they are seemingly going to provide nipples on sure fire chances in scenes in the anime. That being said, there kinda was a similar scene in season 1 which did in fact show nipples. All we can do now is hope.
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