Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan – Episodes 5&6 Fanservice Review

Episode 5:

Focus shifts to the 3rd girl,the Narcissistic bishoujo Rico Flamel…She is not as curvy as the shy blonde but she sleeps naked so i’m ok with her…Z5ttWAP_result tj1TP8o_result 88HSVh1_result KpBOWk2_result gdafw8i_result JiiTXjs_result


This is the closest scene we will get to any kind of nudity…

X407suc_result QYDRzXn_result VN2fGQU_result

AlxmKLB_result RAhkozS_result x8ppblm_result pbTRs7H

She has a good point…n7qMXh5_result

Girls doing some girly stuff…Nothing perverted happening,dont be mistaken…

DiZtbLe_result u4WaGxi_resultBPTYQ0m_result A4hiTG2_result Xt1VyDu_result rjbm6fK_result YHC6Jo4_result NioOWuK_result MNYn9G8_result p28jNmL_result imUywjH_result

She needs some good fanservice one of these days…zcK3JKO_result C4ZNoUq_result

Usual Lecty fanservice…tMin2z1_result JbP0Vmw_result ibkCgXL_result kgxaSVN_result 2kZGH1f_result X8ICJm2_result

                                                                 Episode 6:

Oh boy…There wasn’t any noteworthy fanservice,this episode was plot&action heavy so you guys should know what that means:Quality CGI

cJHRkzy_resultdhkJHUK_result UakLuWC_result

Our weekly CGI panty…bosThes

These are even CGI?Feels like they really ran out of money and used real footage of anime figurines to make this episode…

DQ7qCCt_result HAFaAMv_result oUBrFB6_result lAczw2z_result





