Ninkoi is by ENDOU Tatsuya (炎堂たつや), the creator of In Bura!.
Ninkoi – Karenbo Hichou manga fanservice compilation (3 Volumes) (Complete)
Vol. 1
Vol. 2
Vol. 3
In Bura! was one of my favorite ecchi manga in the last few years. I’m glad the mangakaka didn’t wait until the last chapter to uncensor the nudity this time around, I just wish we got some more from the MC’s mother. This was only his second manga, so let’s hope he pushes the envelope further in his third. First chapter is online, but you can only find the full three volumes here on Fapservice.
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Compilation Version
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Full Volumes 1, 2 & 3 only here on Fapservice
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