Peter Grill season 2 gets a visual and new information


Getting closer.


Today a visual for season 2 of Peter Grill was shown along with updated staff information. Normally I wouldn’t do a news post on just this till we have a pv but considering the old season 2 announcement news post I did from a few months ago was one of the posts lost when we had to reset the site back in time to june from last year I figured might as well redo it with this updated information. Plus I’ll post the manga examples on what to expect from season 2 that I had in that post which are now gone. 


So the visual for season 2 shows us all the characters present including the new ones which gives an idea on how far they plan on having season 2 cover.


The new characters are (going to use the english names the official twitter tweeted as I assume that is what they will be using):



Lucy, Peter’s sister.

Misslim. Funny enough the voice actor is the same person that did Nanachi in made in the abyss. So typecasted as a rabbit.



The staff are mainly the same as season 1 however there is something interesting that has changed. 

The studio Wolfsbane is still the same as season 1. Which also had various people on staff with hentai experience. But this time not only is that still true but they seem to be doing this together with Seven for season 2 now. If you watch hentai then you know who Seven is as they do a large portion of the hentai we get released these days including some titles that had a lot of fans. They did Baku Ane for example. So season 2 is now being worked on not only by people with hentai experience like season 1 was but now partially animated by a hentai studio as well. So could this have some significance? There was actually a tweet from the official twitter account last month that is interesting as well.


So the question is if we take that tweet into consideration and the fact that Seven is now working on it. Could that mean something? Or is this wishful thinking. Back when I did the season 2 announcement post there was something I brought up and wondered if it would come into play with season 2. When season 1 aired it was during the summer not long after ishuzoku reviewers had aired that winter and the BDs and their sales had only just recently came out. In other words Peter Grill was in production before reception to IR was really known and proven. Then factor in a year later we would get Redo Healer which also would sell pretty well with it’s BDs. Both of these showed that willingness to go to the extremes could make you money. Something to keep in mind is that despite all the sex in peter grill it is generally sadly kept off screen and not shown. So the anime not showing it was a shame but can’t really hold it against it as the source did not show it either. 

The anime did however add nudity that was not in the manga which makes you wish they had added on screen sex as well. But at the time of production the idea of adding something like that probably didn’t cross their mind as IR and Healer’s impact’s were not felt yet. This is what I’m getting at and wondering about based on this new information. Is it possible this tweet saying how the show is “powered up” compared to season 1 is hinting at something? Also keep in mind the logo for the show does not hide it’s subtleness. The Super Extra title makes sure to bring attention to the letters spelling sex. Could the best possible outcome be alluded to here? Seven a hentai studio is partnering this time and we have a logo empathizing sex and the official twitter implying that the show will be better in various ways. Plus we are now in an era where IR, Healer and even Mushoku Tensei have shown a willingness to portray sex on screen and possibly convincing others to follow suit.

This is all just wishful thinking and speculation at this point but it would be really nice if season 2 decided to actually show the sex this time to make the anime even better than the manga as it already is. Season 1 added nudity that we did not get in the manga. If they take this further for season 2 and add visual sex that was not in the manga this will easily be anime of the year. Seven’s involvement really has me interested. Could they be animating sex scenes as they have the experience obviously? Could we be getting multiple versions of the show again but with one of them being extra in sex thus the title? Could it be plans for doing something BD related? Plenty of possibilities but too early to know only speculate.

One thing to keep in mind though is that Seven’s involvement with anime has historically not always been good news which is the only thing that worries me. They did Nobunaga a few years ago which I did posts on here and though the teacher was nude all the other girls remained censored even on bd. And then there is the fact that Seven also did Kings Game (funny enough I initially had plans to cover that with posts back in 2017 but dropped the idea after how bad and toned down the show ended up being) where they not only removed the nudity but toned down the sex to the point that they removed the on screen sex to being implied instead. So in short even though Seven a hentai studio being involved is something that could lead to good things they also have some turds out there that we can pray they don’t bring with them. Though they did do the student president show years ago as well which was decent so it’s a mixed bag but something to be cautious of.

Another thing announced with the visual of the show was a browser game which has now started to do preregistering at this site.


Something I’ll note though is that the game is at the G123 site. And if you have never played anything there you might not be aware of how p2w everything there is even worse than a typical phone game. Or at least from what I have seen from the 2 games I played and can’t imagine the others being any different. Prior to season 2 of Isekai Maou airing a browser game for it was released there. I played it and it was insanely boring and filled with microtransactions all over the place. More than normal for even phone games. It actually ended up shutting down this past october just a few months after season 2 finished airing. So that should tell you how bad it was that the show couldn’t even bring new interest in it.

Currently there is a Queen’s Blade one on that site that just started this past feburary that I have been playing since it came out. And I can say the Queen’s Blade one is not only worse than the isekai one was but it is the worst gacha game I have ever seen in terms of being hardcore p2w. I have never played something that shoves “pay me money” stuff in your face as much as it does. No joke you can’t go seconds without coming across either a pop up telling you to buy stuff to progress faster or a section that has various real money things to buy. The best part was at the start of the first month there was weekly quests that you could complete that required spending a set amount of money to complete them. And no joke the last quest required around 4000 dollars be spent in total. Really. On a browser game. And it’s not like there is any real service in the thing either. They recently added some stuff they call “spicy” poses that doesn’t even really count as it is nothing to care about and of course it is paywalled behind 1 percent gacha pulls. Which you must have the character as well. So need to pull the character with a 1 percent chance and then pull the pose with a 1 percent chance. Seriously fuck that game. They even added an english translation to it just this past week which I can only assume was an attempt to get english speaker money. Wonder how many in japan are still playing it or dropped it already.

But back on subject this is where the peter grill game is getting released and will probably be just as p2w as the 2 others and with just as minimal service content. So if you sign up to play it don’t feel bad if you quit soon after as I won’t expect much from it. Probably just a quick cash grab to exploit the interest from the new season. Anyway back to the anime we can conclude the show will probably cover up through volume 7 of the manga at least based on the 4 new characters shown. There is also the chance they could add original content also. But to get an idea of what to expect here are some scenes from the manga that season 2 should be covering.

If the images don’t load you need to click on them to see it. If they still don’t load when you are in the gallery try moving left or right changing the pages briefly as that sometimes gets it to load. For some reason the site is still having issues and thumbnails sometimes don’t load while other times they do.



Obviously since season 1 added nipples we can expect the same thing here so we should be getting nudity of all 3 new main girls. The sister gets nothing but it’s always possible the anime will change or do something original in order to give her nudity in the show. Other than that the only thing left now is to wait for a pv to be shown off. We still don’t have an air date yet for it or even a runtime. Since season 1 was a 15 minute show the same thing will probably apply to season 2 as well. As for an air date it might end up being either summer or fall if they have gotten to this point with showing stuff off and plus season 1 was during summer 2020. Probably won’t happen but having this air the same time as Goblin Slayer season 2 would had been fitting seeing as how the goblin arc that season 2 of this will cover has a goblin slayer parody in it. Here is hoping a pv shows up soon to get an idea on what to expect from having Seven as part of the animation team now.

First post I’ve done since the site came back up. Hated that I lost two posts as a result of the reset. But this one can replace the old peter grill news post and had it not been for that being deleted I probably wouldn’t had bothered with this one. Only post left missing is the last episode of isekai 2. Thankfully web archive has it saved so I can get all the text from that as I still have all the images saved. Will need a time where I am bored to restore the post and back post it as I hate having it look unfinished when it wasn’t.