Punchline fanservice review episode 3

Doki doki! Frilly heart shaped pantsu!

Well here we are episode 3 of Punchline and I’ve gotta admit there has certainly been a decrease in service. I’m also not to sure where this story is heading since our MC is still just floating around. Rumor has it the story will pick up by episode 6.

Anyhow, this episode features an attack on the household. Our attacker attempts to kidnap the bear seen in the previous episode. The attack comes at the cost of revealing a few household members true identities and their past.

[HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.53_[2015.04.23_18.27.24] [HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.54_[2015.04.23_18.27.41] [HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.35_[2015.04.23_18.29.42] [HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.29_[2015.04.23_18.30.50] [HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.36_[2015.04.23_18.49.10] [HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.55_[2015.04.23_18.31.53] [HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.57_[2015.04.23_18.31.39]

This weeks intermission cards:

[HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.46_[2015.04.23_18.36.27] [HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.49_[2015.04.23_18.36.34] [HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.20_[2015.04.23_18.42.38]

Little girls in bloomers don’t turn you on, right?

[HorribleSubs]_Punch_Line_-_03_[1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.17_[2015.04.23_18.47.25] 1429812310370 1429813324242

Overall Punchline is still a fun watch but, feels a bit short changed from its initial appeal. I still have high hopes it will pick up in future episodes. Well until next week fellow pantsu lovers!