Strike the Blood – fanservice review episodes 1-3


One of the shows I’ve covered the least that has proven itself capable of showing nipples as of late is Strike the Blood.  Occasionally this series has shown very promising fanservice potential despite being more in line with shows like Toaru Majutsu no Index for its combination of production values and shonen themes.

Every now and then I’ll try to catch up on this series a bit, starting today with the first blu-ray release:


Episode 1:



Really not much in this episode.  A skirt flip variety panty flash was the episode’s biggest fanservice highlight.


Episode 2:


This is the episode that had nipples.  This is hardly news for anyone that follows 2-chan, or reads blogs that follow 2-chan.  But I figured I’d take a closer look anyway-

ep2-1 1_000000 ep2-2 2_000000 ep2-3 3_000000 ep2-4 4_000000a

You have to really crank the settings up to see those puppies.  But still, pretty nice.  And surprising given the rarity of nipples in shows with good production values these days.


Episode 3:


A couple of chances for nipples missed (remember, this is the blu-ray version):


A short time later, our blue haired friend’s wet T-shirt antics deliver a very different result than what we got in the previous episode.


There are some very promising bathing scenes that arrive in future episodes.  When I have time I’ll get around to reviewing the rest of the series, which is still airing in Japan.

Not sure if the following piece of art is official or not, but it looks official to me, and the nipple that is shown matches pretty well too.  Might give us a pretty good idea of what to expect if some scenes from future episodes end up fully nude.
