For six months we’ve traversed the barren desert of ecchi anime in 2016. Hopefully Masou Gakuen HxH can provide the ecchi oasis we need to finally quench our thirst.
Series not worth expecting anything from, but should be mentioned anyway
J.C. Staff
Amanchu! is a girly, innocent slice of life manga and has minimal fanservice potential. It does however, have plenty of moe, girls in swimsuits, and subtle fanservice (the kind where the camera isn’t focused on a girls butt, it’s more that her butt is somewhat in the way of your view of the other characters doing whatever they are doing). If that’s your thing, you might want to check this show out, especially since J.C. Staff is animating and they tend to do a quality job with their animation.
Ange Vierge
This all-female cast might have a sprinkling of casual service, though I wouldn’t get too excited as it is based on a trading card game.
Ange Vierge
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 3rei!!
Lolicons, yuri-lovers and Otaku can rejoice at yet another season of FKL. You pretty much know the drill by now. Hopefully we get another OVA after this season- the previous season’s OVA kinda-sorta showed nipples.
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA 3rei!!
Kono Bijutsu-bu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
The manga seems to be a G-rated moe-fest. Studio feel. isn’t afraid of oppai, though it is doubtful they will stray far from the source on this one.
Kono Bijutsu-bu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
I only mention Rewrite to inform everyone that it is probably not going to be much of a fanservice anime. It’s tempting to look at 8bit, see the visual novel tag, and have hopes; but Rewrite is a non-erotic visual novel by key, the same creator as classics such as Kanon, Air, and Clannad.
Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara
J.C. Staff
The first anime was really more of a comedy than a fanservice vehicle IMO. Still, there should be some good non-nude fanservice here for fans of mainstream anime with test-group friendly fanservice.
Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara
Series where nudity is possible if not likely.
BERSERK (2016)
It wasn’t always erotic, but the manga had plenty of nudity. The original anime from the 90’s had nudity, and the recent movie remakes had nudity.
J.C. Staff
There’s four pages of nudity in volume four of the manga, when one of the characters strips naked as part of her incantation. It’s such a minor amount of nudity that J.C. Staff might just leave it out of the TV version, but recent creative decisions with other J.C. Staff anime do give a little bit of hope here, especially since this is decidedly not a light-hearted anime and nudity would further the series’ R-rated bonafides.
Series where nudity is guaranteed.
Masou Gakuen HxH
Production IMS
Technically all we’ve seen to guarantee nipples are some outer areola on AT-X’s uncensored PV for the series and a ‘parental lock’ warning on AT-X’s site. It’s also based on a light novel which are notoriously up for interpretation when animated.
But still, a show like his would just be completely fucked up if they didn’t show nipples, and given that the production gives off a very strong “Testament” vibe it just seems like it’s meant to be. Also, the website for HxH does some especially pervy things (Monster Musume had some pervy promotions before it aired as well), which seems to be advertising the intentions of the series ahead of time.
While the content in HxH is a bit more “been there, done that” compared to last Summer’s gems, it’s nice seeing Production IMS branch out into a second erotic anime series. Hopefully it does well enough to earn a second season the way Testament did in 2015.
Masou Gakuen HxH
Overall thoughts on the Summer 2016 season
It’s a surprisingly thin season, with only three true fanservice shows on the list (FKL, SnS2, and HxH), and only one of them likely to have nudity. I guess it’s not too bad though, especially if HxH hits it out of the park and Berserk / Taboo Tattoo don’t wimp out on us.
There’s also a To Love-Ru OVA that comes out on July 4th. And while a release date for Queen’s Blade Grimoire’s second OVA hasn’t been announced yet, it’s believed that it will release sometime this Summer.
Overall, the merit of the 2016 Summer season, and maybe 2016 as a whole, rests heavily on how good of an ecchi series Masou Gakuen HxH ends up being. I wouldn’t exactly say I am especially hyped for HxH, however I will say that it is quite nice to have a true hardcore fanservice series to look forward too once again after such a lengthy layoff.