Tsugumomo Fanservice Review Episode 10

More laughs, pantsu, and nude play.

Caps & Stitches (download png)

The red head is Sumeragi Sunao. New character and malison cleanser.

I forgot this girl’s name, but she’s a bad ass.

Nanako can’t talk.

Sunao sucker punches Kazuya.

Not bad. Could use a little more detail.

Eh. Magic skirts. -_-

Better. Kiriha seems to be enjoying the view.

This is anatomically wrong. You should see crotch here. Just drawing two legs is a cop-out.

Sunao feels that Kazuya is unworthy of his mother’s Tsugomomo. She challenges him to a duel.


Flashback. Young Sunao witnesses Kazuya’s mother kicking ass.

Kazuya is depressed now because he isn’t as good as his mom was.

I guess that’s one way to make him feel better.

Kiriha power grabs his crotch after he says something exceedingly pitiful.

Genuinely touching moment here (some pun intended).

She got her original body back.

It’s great how comfortable they are with each other without clothes on.



The laughs are back and better balanced with the feels in this episode. I wasn’t too impressed with the pantsu service; maybe it’ll get redrawn. On the plus side, there were a lot of opportunities for more nudity on the BDs.

The next episode might have yet another bath scene. There can never be enough bath scenes!