Monster Musume TV anime coming Summer 2015

monster musume mystery

The wraparound jacket band on Monster Musume‘s seventh manga volume is announcing on Friday that a television anime adaptation has been green-lit for the Summer 2015 season.

This was originally reported by, complete with the key visual you see below, but they didn’t provide a source for the announcement to verify.

Anime News Network has now confirmed that this announcement is legit.  It will come with Friday’s tankobon release, which explains why the official site and twitter account of Monster Musume  had been mum on this (waiting until Friday).


This is absolutely amazing news for ecchi fans, as Monster Musume  is one of the more popular ecchi franchises in the manga business right now.  Like many fans, I had just assumed it would never get a TV anime.  Not only because of its extreme borderline-hentai nature but because of the implied theme of near-bestiality.

Some of these girls are going to turn you on, and that’s going to bother you.  It’s that kind of manga.

Therein is the genius of Monster Musume .  The “it feels so wrong it feels right” aspect to it is unique and refreshing in a genre where let’s face it, there isn’t a ton of innovation.

It stands to reason that the anime will be loaded with boobs.  We’re talking Seikon no Qwaser  levels of boobage here, if the anime is faithful to the manga.

Should be interesting to see which company gets it.  Maybe this is Hoods Entertainment getting back into ecchi mode?  TNK’s DxD team would be a nice fit as well. Maybe Production IMS has been emboldened by their impending success with Testament  to take an even bigger leap forward.

I suspect that if Hiraku Kaneko was involved, we’d know about it by now.  But you have to admit, this is the perfect anime for him.