Month: June 2016
Mujaki no Rakuen’s third OVA releases a PV
Hundred fanservice review episode 7
BELLE☆STARR manga fanservice compilation
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar Fanservice Review Episodes 10-12
Anne-Happy♪ (Not So) Mini Fanservice Review Episodes 07 – 08
Shinmai Maou no Testament BURST fanservice compilation
Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? – Fanservice Review – Episodes 4&5

Netoge episodes 4 and 5 were full of Netoge things as usual… It was hilarious, heartwarming romance was still there, girls were as curvy & cute as usual, there were all kinds of weird camera angles, Ako was still weird & cute & daring… Ako’s first love rival revealed in this episode, from her perspective at least… Cute date montage is cute… Would like to see a doujin of this too… For lulz… She knows what she …