Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry – Fanservice Review Episode 6

This episode focused on new girl Ayase,panty shots and legservice… Good day and good season to be a leg man…

The lack of Stella was painful but understandable since it was necessary to learn more about Ayase, her father(Who happens to be Ikki’s role model) and “Sword Eater” for plot reasons… Also they probably rushed Ayase’s arc into 2 episodes…


Some kawaii imouto and jealous Stella…5 6 7 8

Also she won lots of Shizuku points in my eyes with these words…  tumblr_nxl5nyk6Cm1ri1zbno1_540tumblr_nxl5nyk6Cm1ri1zbno2_1280

A wild AYASE appeared!
4 9

Here,take your panty shots&upskirts and you better be grateful…Yes,you i’m talking to you Satoshy Diamond Berlitz… 

tumblr_nxj3d5IlPr1rw0yypo1_1280AYASE Fled!fWild AYASE fainted!g

I don’t know why but i kept laughing to this like an idiot and rewatched it over and over… She reached a new height at clumsy shy girl thing…I want to make a 10 hour version of it…

AYASE captured!She joins the group to be trained under master Ikki…She masters her techniques,Ikki learns more about the swordstyle he admired,we get more legservice… In the end everyone is happy…11 10323628
Professor Ikki teaches Ayase how to use her body… He sure is skilled with his big hands and it is enough to please Ayase if you know what i mean…

12 13 aWhat is going on with all those lady juices?Is this Prison School?14 19

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Some R – 17+ Ahegao…15 16 17 18 20 21c

And this pretty much sums up my reaction to this scene… Alice is not amused tho…b

Ayase falls in love with Ikki’s big skillful hands…1gfhbgfhdfgh

Obviously Stella is not amused about Ikki pleasing other women and they have a little talk about it in their room… They hold hands,kiss&stuff but we can’t see it unfortunately…

29 aa30 31

Sword Eater and 2 random bitches from his gang…34 37

Mysterious Lady from student council…IET1Nkt MWI1gxN

Ayase’s shy and gentle smile changes into something else after learning her next opponent is Ikki…She is up to something, but Cliffhanger…bbbooph3glaaa38



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Knowing this is a LN illustration makes it infinitely sexier…LN_Zero_illustration_3_Stella_cooks_in_a_naked_apron LN_Vol_3_illustration_06_Stella_wet_clothes_taken_off LN_Vol_7_special_illustration sample-ad3bb43bd9d8cf9f46dbd0f133bd6258

 Doujins when?cefdfc3f0dada977fd50eba1d4d5f92c sample-3c0348d62a3137b0ba1b794ed9cb2dcd53214329_p0sample-7121deb96c726daa867df89dd43b0eb3tumblr_nxlrolzdea1tz7cmao1_540

Silver Link adapting this arc in the ecchiest way possible without losing any important plot point… I am satisfied with the outcome myself… My only complain would be Ayase’s voice, it doesnt suit her…

My Rakudai Kishi videos here

ScissorMeTimbers’ episode 6 videos/gifs here

