A Sponsored Post on Hentai Heroes

Hentai Heroes is an addicting and multifaceted addition to your fap routine.


Before I start, I wanted to talk about why I agreed to a sponsored post.  Over the past 6+ years I’ve been proud to see how this place has grown from a twice shut down blog to an actual website where the community itself now manages most of the daily content.

One thing that has really lagged behind though- and this is my fault- have been meaningful sponsorships and advert partnerships that can help make this place more viable long term.  I’ve been picky.  I wouldn’t subject you guys to spam or notifications, and I wouldn’t want banners from totally random things that have nothing to do with sexy girls either.  Believe me, I get offers almost weekly, and I turn them all down.


All but this one, that is.

What makes this case different?  Well I’ll tell you.

Ideally, an advertisement should be useful to visitors.  So for example, I like visiting Japanese manga blogs to check for new nudey manga content.  On the right hand side you can see what appear to be a set of sponsored links to upcoming manga releases that are generally ecchi in nature.  I actually click those links quite frequently because it helps me be more aware of upcoming ecchi manga releases.  In other words: I’m visiting a blog to learn about ecchi manga, and the sidebar advert also wants to inform me about ecchi manga.  One supplements the other.


I know a lot of people come to Fapservice looking to fap, obviously it’s in the name.  So having a sidebar item that provides a supplemental fap experience makes a lot of sense.

It also doesn’t hurt that my point of contact with Hentai Heroes is a huge fan of this website and has been reading for years.

And lastly, it needs to be said that Hentai Heroes is actually a product worth endorsing and I feel that if you give it a shot you’ll feel the same.  The passion that they put into this project is obvious.  They love all things ecchi and it really comes through in the final result.


I feel so strongly about their product that I’m writing this post myself, as opposed to using something they prepared.  I’ve been playing the game for months now and will continue to play on a regular basis long after this post.

(If you are curious as to what their prepared post looks like, you can read it here.  It also doubles as a well made beginner’s guide.)

Without further ado, here are my thoughts on Hentai Heroes and why I’ve personally enjoyed it as much as I have.



General Impressions


Hentai Heroes has some addicting qualities.  I originally sat down to start playing this game back in August thinking that I’d only play for an hour or two.  Since then I’ve logged into Hentai Heroes dozens of times, about three times a week on average.  This game makes you want to keep going as you play and then to keep coming back after you finish.  There’s no “time played” tracking in the game, but if I had to guess, I’m probably around the fifty hour mark at this point.  And it’s such a massive game with so much to do that I’m probably just scratching the surface.

I call Hentai Heroes a “game” because it’s convenient short-hand, but you would probably be most accurate to describe it as an online ecchi/hentai fan manga with some interactive/RPG elements.




The story (called Adventure-mode in the game) is a long journey where our insert character battles bad guys and scores with tons of hot women as he builds up his harem.  He progresses from one zone to the next.  Almost every zone is satirizing some kind of pop-culture IP, usually in the realm of manga, anime and video games.  There’s a zones inspired by Naruto, Bleach, Legend of Zelda, Mario Bros, and so on.  Putting an ecchi/hentai twist on these intellectual properties takes a lot of creativity and it’s fun seeing how they pull it off each time.  The story has a great sense of humor and never takes itself seriously.


I personally love logging in each time and seeing which pop-culture jokes or satirized IP they’ll do next.  Overall I’d stay that the fun writing of Adventure-mode is a big strength and really helps separate it from similar games online.

Another cool thing about the story of the game is that your character gains experience with each story segment completed.  The higher your character’s level, the higher you can level your harem girls, and the higher your harem girls are, the better you’ll be able to win battles to win even more additions to your harem.  This RPG element to the story makes it feel like you are accomplishing something even as you explore the story and experience the numerous sexy moments it provides.


Since progressing through the story consumes energy and resources, you’ll be limited by how much you can progress each day for free.  Because of this, unlocking the story will be a gradual long term effort for many players.  But the good news is that you can still revisit any erotic scene you’ve previously beaten in adventure-mode whenever you want.  At first you might feel limited with what you can do but over time it feels like things open up as more and more ecchi scenes become unlocked to revisit.

Not only is the story fun, but the more you play, the more it feels like you’ve got a growing adventure-mode fap bank to revisit whenever you want.



Building your Harem


Simply put, the Harem building aspect is the best part of Hentai Heroes.  As you progress through the story you’ll hit certain story objectives and girls will join your harem as a result, somewhat similar to party members joining you in JRPGs.  You can then power up those girls to help you win sex battles against bad guys to get even more harem members.  Additionally, there are many side-quest events outside of adventure mode where you can win harem members that aren’t available in the main game.

Once you acquire these girls you can power them up.  You can boost them in two ways- Experience and Affection.


Experience raises their levels which makes them better in battles. Harem members also create money for you over time as though in some kind of pimp/ho relationship.  And that payout increases with their levels.


Affection does not appear to have any tactical benefit, but as you increase affection levels you unlock new poses and new sexy ‘scenes’ for the girls which provide some of the game’s best fap material.

Of all the things you can do playing Hentai Heroes, I’ve probably spent by far the most on the harem screen.  There’s just something fun about collecting new girls and ‘unlocking’ their fap potential over time.  Of course I’m fully aware that you can view many of these affection scenes elsewhere on the interwebs, but for whatever reason it is just more fun and rewarding if you unlock them yourself.  Unlocking it yourself requires patience and creates anticipation and tease.  Plus there is something to be said for satisfying that collector’s urge… the slogan for this game is appropriately stated: “Gotta fuck’em all.”

The end result is something that almost seems designed in a lab to cause sex addiction.  For someone like me who thinks sex addiction is a good thing, that’s a big plus.





The objective of the game is to progress and in so doing unlock increasing amounts of fap material and/or story.  Your ability to do this will effectively come down to your ability to manage resources efficiently.  There’s a lot of free stuff you get simply by waiting, and maximizing that aspect can boost your resources significantly.  But there’s also cases where spending resources can be smarter too.


For example, you can technically do harem battles for free, but they take about a minute per battle.  Or you can do 10 battles instantly without waiting for a relative pittance (12 gold coins (called ‘kobans’ in the game)).  I found this trade was easily worth making, as I’d rather have 12 minutes to do something else that could help me progress than 12 kobans.


Similarly, if you are willing to spend real money on resources to speed up your gameplay, you can sometimes find special holiday events and sales where you can buy currency at massively discounted prices.  This ties into a style of gameplay that is really all about finding good deals and making smart moves to maximize your progress.


There’s actually two forms of currency for you to manage.  The first is ymens and the second is kobans.  Ymens has a cash icon and that’s basically what it is.  It’s mostly used to buy powerups for your character/harem or to pay tolls at checkpoints.  Kobans are mostly used to save time, either by doing menial tasks in bulk or by bypassing cooldowns.  Surprisingly, you’ll come to find that it is actually the latter which is far more valuable as you play the game.  Kobans are also harder to farm.  Many times you will have an option to spend either currency- so your ability to manage these two resources so that they stay balanced adds an extra degree of strategy.

Plus, it’s not just how you farm or spend your money, but exactly what you spend it on.  Do you spend that pile of money you saved up on a piece of gear for your character, or go for a permanent stat boost instead?  Basically, every decision you make carries weight.


The game is also mindbogglingly complex, with both your character and harem girls having a long list of stats that play off each other in a kind of rock-paper-scissors kind of way.  Thankfully for dummies like me it is possible to just ‘brute force’ your way through the game, but doing so would require either spending real money or being insanely patient.  For those who are willing to nerd out a little bit, you can use the complexity of the stats / battle system to build a competitive harem battle team on a budget. In other words, the game design allows for smarter people to get a little bit of an extra leg up, and there’s something to be said for that.



Minigames and Events


While adventure mode and the harem room will keep you busy most of the time, there are a lot of side attractions in this game.  They include:


Tower of Fame

This is a leaderboard where you can see where your character and harem rank amongst the best players in the world.  You can also view and join guilds here.



If you have a lot of resources you can boost your character here beyond their normal power levels.  For example you could give your character a permanent 0.5% boost to a given stat, which is repeatable incrementally (1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, etc) at increasing cost per rank.  You can buy similar scaling boosts to experience and reward gains as well.  You can also see how your boosted levels rank compared to other players from around the world.



Here you can directly battle other players and their harems for rewards and ranking.  There’s no cost to battle and you get prizes/ymens for winning so it’s only upside here.  If you master this game arena is one of the areas where you can best take advantage.



There’s two kinds of Activities, Contests and Missions.  These can also be affected by holidays or other unique events.



Honestly I’m not quite sure how these work yet, but it appears you compete against other players in a certain way, and the top finishers earn free kobans.  As said before, kobans are a highly desired currency in this game.  If your goal is to master Hentai Heroes as a true free to play experience, then winning these contests is going to be huge.



Missions are mindless free loot that you can get just by waiting.  If you’ve done mission tables in World of Warcraft or propositions in Final Fantasy Tactics, then you should have a pretty good idea how this works.  Not only do missions provide you with free stuff, but they provide significant amounts of free experience as well.  If you are serious about this game you’ll want to do every mission you can just for the XP alone.



This is a daily set of hardcore PVE challenges with unique rewards and harem recruits.  I’ve been playing for months and still can’t beat the first boss, but maybe that’s just because I suck.  Anyway, it gives you something to aspire to as you power up your character and harem.



This is where you spend ymens to upgrade your character and harem.  You can buy and equip gear, boost your stats, raise your harem’s experience and (most importantly) boost their affection levels.



If you are a high-roller with massive amounts of resources (probably paid for with real money), then Pachinko offers substantial benefits.  There’s three tiers, each tier costing more and offering better rewards.  It costs a metric asston of kobans, but you can recruit exclusive girls to your harem here, as well as stock up on immense amounts of affection boosters for your girls in a short time frame.  If you have endless money and are lazy, then Pachinko is exactly where you want to be.




Final Thoughts


When I first starting playing Hentai Heroes, I was hooked by the story and the humor.  Then later I was hooked by the Pokemon-esque harem collection.  I haven’t even gotten into the PVP or advanced PVE stuff yet, maybe some day I will. There’s a lot of ways to enjoy this game.

With that said, over time I’ve slowly come to the realization that I’m not really playing a game when I play Hentai Heroes.  It’s more like building a castle, a castle you only use for fapping.  Each time I visit I feel like there is more to revisit and fap to than there was the last time I was there.  It’s perfect for those times that you need something a little different than the usual.


The game has been out for three years now and it still releases regular content updates.  Initially I thought this would be a game that I’d “beat.”  Instead it’s something that you could basically keep doing forever, and that’s pretty cool.

Having played the game extensively over the past few months, I can totally understand how this game has 75,000+ players from around the globe.  It’s funny, it’s addicting, and it can be a great fap at times as well.  I plan on continuing to play this game, probably for years to come.  I give Hentai Heroes my honest recommendation, particularly if you are looking for something to add a little change of pace to your regular fap routine.


Note:  This next week is a good time to give Hentai Heroes a try as they are rolling out several major in-game events in early December.


Oh, and thanks for reading all that for those who did.  You rock.