Adam’s Sweet Agony Episode 8 Hentai Review

Onsen and ending.

So we’re at the last episode of this series and it features an onsen scene.

Reminder of the female characters below!


Main Review

The episode starts with Yue and Aki wearing bathrobes sleeping.

Afterwards, we switch over to Kaede and Akari in the onsen.

Nice view of the nipples!

Once Itsuki enters the onsen, Kaede and Akari run up to him.

After pressing their bodies against Itsuki and some arguments, Itsuki eventually gets an erection.

Rock paper scissors SHOOT!

MILF Teacher won with rock beating scissors.


Kaede and Akari Scenes

Kaede is able to have sex with Itsuki, although Akari steps in later to have some fun with Itsuki.

Akari mentions that Kaede has gotten carried away with Itsuki having sex with her. While talking, she’s staring at Kaede’s nipples. Nice.

Itsuki actually took the initiative here and started kissing Akari.




The last part of the episode goes back into the building with all four ladies in the harem in bathrobes. I have to say, these bento boxes look delicious.

Wow! Everyone is smiling!

Drunk MILF teacher for the win?

Drunk Kaede confesses to having sex with Itsuki, along with Akari doing it as well.

And that’s it, all four of the ladies stare at Itsuki and then it fades in on his face.


Episode and Series Conclusion

A bit of an underwhelming last episode, although we still got scenes with the MILF teacher and glasses girl.

I really didn’t like how Yue had so many non-smiling faces during her sex scenes. The scenes would be so much better if the girls, you know, smiled.

It also appears this adaptation deviated from the original source material a bit.


Other Links

Adam’s Sweet Agony Episode 8 Stream Link (English Subs)
Adam’s Sweet Agony Episode 8 Stream Link (No Subs)
Adam’s Sweet Agony Episode 8 Post screenshots zip
Adam’s Sweet Agony Episode 8 Post video snippets zip
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