Time for FATservice
Elf-san wa Yaserarenai (Elf Can’t Be on a Diet, a.k.a. Plus-Sized Elf) is based on the manga (consisting of 2 series) created by Synecdoche, a.k.a. Methonium. It centers on a health practitioner meeting otherworldly characters whose lives are affected by their weight somehow. If you liked “Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?” but wanted the service and characters from, say, “Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou”, then this may be up your alley. And in case you missed it…they’re all FAT.
Episode 1
After a mysterious beauty passes through a magical doorway, the story starts off with a message: “a sedentary lifestyle, stress and easily-attainable junk food. All these are contributing factors to a common lifestyle plaguing society.” In other words, society is FAT because of those.
We are introduced to the MC, Naoe, the Smiley Boar health practitioner associate. Co-working with him is his thicc boss, Ino, who loves to invite him out for after-work drinks.
Before he clocks out, he’s assigned last-minute to assist a big, creepy patient for her appointment. While the patient, Elfuda, talks about her weight insecurities, Naoe gets suspicious about her appearance, from all her layers, green eyes, the long-eared bulges under her hat, the peculiar name and that she lives in a forest.
“She must be an ELF! Like her name and the title suggests!”
But he quickly dismisses that and proceeds to perform his specialty bodywork on her just as soon as she takes her jacket off.

Oh no! He now knows her secret identity and MUST DIE!
But instead, she just explosively reveals that she WAS an elf all along!
With that and her clothes out of the way, she reveals that she’s from an alternate dimension to which she can’t return. Why not? Because in order to re-enter the magical doorway, she must be at the same weight in which she passed through initially. But this is just half the plot, and she further reveals the reason why she crossed over in the first place:
take over the human world
Back in her world, food sucks because it’s nothing but raw ingredients, while seasoning is a rare luxury. She’s now stuck on this earth because of a great penchant for oil-fried taters, as they’re the first and only good thing she’s ever had, and that’s why she fat. But now she’s on a new quest to slim down and go back home, and Naoe is just the guy to montage her back in shape.

When your friend says they don’t want fries, get them the fries. Or else your fries will be THEIR fries. Ba da baba ba~
Enough exercise, now it’s time to relax.

Here we see the series’ most important feature besides nudity: health advice. Dieting, exercise and self-care are vital for weight loss, soaking in a hot bath will boost your metabolism, and water is the only drink you’ll ever need. Elfuda is also impressed by this world’s automated facilities, as her own world is still apparently stuck in the dark ages.
One month later, Elfuda’s gut is now busted and she’s back to her physically fit elf self.

Aaaand she’s back. She’s enjoyed her time at home and is now back here because she’s hungry hungry for chippos again. Turns out the doorway between worlds is no different from the one at your house, barring a magical weight restriction, of course. With that cleared up, she decides that with the health advice she’s gained, she’s able to excuse her insatiable spud-lust as long as she knows how to keep the weight off anyway. Especially with the help of her new friend, “The Human.”
Thus begins her new, reverse-isekai life.
And as it turns out, she’s not the only one crossing over.
And that’s the story. Later episodes/segments will introduce a new isekai waifu, the health advice they’ll learn from “The Human,” and all the fun nude hijinx they’ll get into with him and each other.
Episode 2, Part 1 
One night, a mysterious sorceress is seen summoning a tiny golem inside the convenience store, right before her thong snaps off.
That last part is important, I swear. For now, we’re introduced to Kuroeda who works at the 11-11. Also she’s a rival to Elfuda, because lore, and they’ll be constantly bickering, because lore.
After introductions, Kuroeda reveals to Naoe that she’s a sorceress who relies on her magical garb to power her magic. As seen earlier, her big, bodaciously brown butt keeps snapping her magical thong off, which leaves her magic weakened.
Without better magic, she can’t summon more golems to help around the understaffed store. Told you that part was important 😉 That’s when she asks “The Human” for treatment.
With his dexterous fingers and her instantly lighter legs, she is completely charmed by this human’s newfound “magic”, which is really just the results of his profession. Naoe also shows her exercises she can do daily at work, and a lower-body bath/massage at home, to replace the fat in her glutes with muscle to keep her panties from ever exploding again.
Thanks to Naoe, she’s now a happier and healthier employee, alongside her magically-hired staff of extra golems.
Episode 2, Part 2
Naoe is on break and decides to pass by the local florist’s new shop again. Since past visits, though, he starts to notice that a part of her body keeps growing, and growing, and growing…
The florist, Kusahanada, responds that all that sunny weather is making her heavier, and her body is noticeably taking a shivering toll.
He doesn’t know what she’s talking about, he’s either just confused or scare-roused by what looked like a suggestive offering of snu-snu.
Back at the clinic, Elfuda explains that the florist is an Alraune, a humanoid plant that finds nutrients through things like sunlight and fertilized soil, which the city has a lot of. Naoe is still stumped to help since he’s only familiar with human anatomy, but not plant anatomy
Elfuda remarks that the Alraune’s means of gaining weight is silly, since sunlight isn’t a food. She also shows off her new girdle to hide her chubby tummy as a cheat into eating more fries, but it snaps off instantly. This gives him an idea, and goes out to buy just the things the florist needs.
Also he cancels drinks with his thicc boss again. Aww…
The next day, he advises that her poor posture is one reason why her body aches, and the corrective back brace he bought will help relieve the stress on her muscles.
He also gives her an umbrella for her head flower, which was the heavy source of her bad posture.
Sure…just the flower was the problem💗 . He hopes it will block the excessive sunlight it’s been absorbing and will allow it to shrink down, giving the flower itself a much needed diet.
Kusahanada then repays him with two coupons to a sauna, but also tells him of a rumor that a mysterious ogre stays there as well.
Episode 3, Part 1
He decides to give one of his coupons to Elfuda, reminding her that sweating at the sauna is just what she needs to boost her metabolism, and also mentions the ogre that goes there.
There’s that ogre everyone’s talking about. But she’s chill and tells them to shut the door.
Elfuda asks if she takes saunas often. Oga, the ogre, does but particularly mentions that her species are total booze hounds.
But WHY is she there?
Because she’s fat too.
Her vice is human world beer, which is better than isekai beer, and now her beer belly is ogre-loaded with two kinds of carbo’s. Elfuda relates, but Kuroeda doesn’t and remarks that they both have no self-control. She suggests that their time in this hot room is the perfect opportunity to practice such.
Oga proposes a challenge, then: whoever can last in the sauna the longest will be treated to AYCE or D, to which Elfuda instantly accepts…
…and then passes out a second after the challenge starts. Afterwards, Oga gets to enjoy cold, refreshing unli-beer after a hot sauna, while Elfuda frustratingly ends up broke.
Naoe approaches their table, attracted by familiar noises. He’s at the same bar because I guess he finally took that offer to drink with his thicc boss. We don’t see the boss, but in the manga, he does bring her there after she herself joins Elfuda in the same sauna.
Anyway, Elfuda desperately bums him for fries til she gets some, thus making that whole sauna workout pointless. Oh well.
Episode 3, Part 2
Naoe and Elfuda are shopping at a fish market. Elfuda is preferably potato-tarian, but he tells her that fish is good for a diet as a source of protein and is rich in omega-3’s. Beans are also rich in those…but…uh…you know what, never mind…
The fishmonger interrupts them with a seafood spiel, and mentions that eating fish daily has made her skin supple. But Elfuda tactlessly tells her that it’s actually made her fat. The fishmonger shamefully admits that she’s had no time to exercise since moving to the city.
Also Mero is a mermaid, but this mermaid is clearly all “lady parts”. She then reveals the “fish part” at the bottom when time runs out.
She can change back too. Anyway, aside from no exercise, she also lacks an appropriate place to swim around town at the risk of being caught by the tabloids, and has an adversity to saltwater.
Since the fat is mostly in her arms, Naoe instructs that she can regain the muscles in her ‘ceps indoors with simple weightlifting and wall push ups.
Elfuda also shows her how to do lymphatic massages to squeeze away the fatty fluids in her arms.
As thanks, Mero gifts them a container of salmon eggs and insists that the Elf tries a spoonful. Then she tells her she’s eating Mero’s eggs and faints in shock, either because she just ate her family or by the really salty flavor they’re known for.
Mero was just joking, really,
but Elfuda still demands 30cc’s of French fried potaters stat and Naoe gullibly runs out to get some.
And that’s the end for this week. But before the next episode, we’re introduced to another new thicc girl:
A dog.
ED Stitches
Six bells, time for closing
As you’ve seen at this point, this anime REALLY delivers. I was a fan of the manga for a long time and was rightfully hopeful that the adaptation would be just as enjoyable. It checks a lot of boxes too. Aside from the usual young teen characters, this one gives you older ones down with thiccness aside from their thighs and such, features that I think are rare, underrated or worth a try at least. So, yeah, here’s to more of that for a change
Episodes 1-3 cover the first series’ chapters 1-5