Fapservice Writer’s Lounge – Summer 2015

Updated to include Shinmai Maou no Testament vol.1-4 plus OVA.

DDL:  1080p

Figured I’d post this here since I don’t want to make a habit of publicly releasing such large works that are incomplete.


Below is each series with all the names of each person who volunteered. The FIRST name (highlighted in blue) is the person who’s been picked to cover the show, if they choose to do so.  Think of this like a ‘depth chart’, so if #1 bows out, #2 would get first rites of refusal.

In the event of tiebreakers, I chose the person I thought would do the best job, or in the case of an extreme tiebreaker like Fate/Kalied, I flipped a few coins.

Keep in mind, the best way to get picked for a top show next season is to pick an available show now and show us all what you can do.  I generally favor those with a bigger body of work to go off of.

Apologies Sullivan, I couldn’t figure out a way to get you a show.  Do any of the shows near the bottom of the list interest you?  I’m sure Axist or Trickster would gladly volunteer one.


Prison school

1. TheAoiTori

2. Axist

3. Sullivan


Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! Herz!

1. Serafall

2. Skillfuloli

3. Sanya-sama

4. Sullivan


Bikini Warriors

1. Skillfuloli

2. Sullivan


Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou

1. Skillfuloli

2. Sanya-sama


To Love-Ru: Trouble – Darkness 2nd

1. Sanya-sama

2. Skillfuloli


Okusama ga Seito Kaichou!

1. Axist

2. Skillfuloli


Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace

1. TheAoiTori

2. Skillfuloli

3. Axist (if you want it)



1. Axist (if you want it)


Gakkou Gurashi!

1. Axist (if you want it)


Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai.

1. TheAoiTori

2. Axist (if you want it)


Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan

1. TheTrickster


Rokka no Yuusha

1. TheTrickster

2. TheAoiTori


Joukamachi no Dandelion

1. TheTrickster


Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Senyaku

1. TheTrickster


Jitsu wa Watashi wa

1. TheAoiTori



Okay, a few thoughts.

First, any show that isn’t likely to show nudity on BD isn’t something anyone needs to stress over.  You can do them at your own leisure, or not even do them at all (with the exception of Prison School, someone needs to be covering that for sure).

That said, I’d really like to have the ‘priority’ shows given a fanservice review the same day that the episode comes out.  Stuff happens, and it’s okay be a day or two late every now and then.  But generally speaking, please try your utmost to get a ‘priority’ series up the same day it airs.  People tend to check in the day of expecting a post, and often stay up all night waiting, so keep that in mind.

Life happens.  We all have busy schedules…   If you can’t keep up with the schedule of a priority show or just need to drop a series, let us know, and someone (probably Sanya-sama or myself) will try and pick it up.  Sanya-sama is so uber-dependable, I feel bad for only giving him one show this season.  That said, he has volunteered to help others if they can’t cover their shows.

The ‘priority shows’ this season are:  To Love-Ru, Monster Musume, Prison School, Bikini Warriors, Okusama ga Seito Kaichou! (AT-X parental warning), Shimoneta (AT-X parental warning).

Do the best you can, and if handling a priority show, try to be thorough.  Mainly I’m more concerned with timeliness and quantity than quality.  If you can do GIFs or stitches, then great!  But if you can’t, don’t sweat it.  ScissormeTimbers and myself will back you guys up, adding stitches and gifs to your posts after we watch the episodes.

In some cases I might also add a ‘Wizards thoughts’ segment at the end of the post in case there was something worth investigating in the episode.

Please let me know what you think.  If two people want to ‘trade’ shows, that’s fine.  Just let us all know.

Thanks again for all your help in making this place what it is.