Gakusen Toshi Asterisk – Fanservice Review Episodes 7&8

In my last fanservice review I asked for more Kirin service and I got two episodes with a focus on Kirin. So even though there was not enough Claudia lately I’m happy with the outcome.

With that perfect body and adorable face Kirin is as dangerous as Claudia. I wouldn’t mind if she took some fashion advise from Claudia or Stella though, her swimsuit and underwear are a little bit too plain.

I will start the post with some jiggle just like how episode 7 started. 1

Kirin and Ayato spend some naked bonding time after they fell into the sewers…2

4 5 [Leopard-Raws] Gakusen Toshi Asterisk - 07 RAW (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)_stitch 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14

10/10. This is the body of a 13 year old girl? I refuse to believe ittumblr_nxtd1o801b1twrse4o1_1280

16 17 18

No more Claudia this week. We will have to make do with these.19 20


Run. Just run. Run before she steals your soul with that look.21 34

Are these two still doing something evil or what. 22 23

Thanks to Saya and Kirin deciding to team up in the locker room we get to see more of Kirin in her underwear.24


And we got the proper pool episode after Claudia’s solo pool performance in previous episodes. Kirin and Saya head to the pool after their date to increase teamwork.

Pool adventure starts with some random girls. I see few heroine material here,especially dat ass… nMA2V16ab

Makes you think if these are swimsuits what was that sexy thing Claudia wore. Kirin is sexy even in this though.6789

Another delicious ass spotted… Just keep going Kirin…10c

I am no ass man but damn, this is good. I like her already. Please join the harem.11131415


She not only possess a great ass but she is also bold. That swimsuit is even more risque than Claudia’s. 222025


“Just the right size to fit perfectly in the palm of your hand.”29

[Leopard-Raws] Gakusen Toshi Asterisk - 08 RAW (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC)_stitch

Duel and instant K.O.3233343536



tumblr_nxt2jpAcIM1tj63p8o1_500 tumblr_ny6q6oIQm21s21xzoo1_500 tumblr_ny6q5lP0pT1s21xzoo2_540 tumblr_nxt2jpAcIM1tj63p8o2_500


Legit “*sigh* *unzip*” picture… tumblr_ny79d5sCXl1qjabjeo1_1280 tumblr_ny99rmkPEW1uwx89ao1_540 90d966acdc1162b27ef19d68b2e5795a 430ab78ef53b045c0d5c04c1a5a7c18fsample-fbc6513c819350f37edef0453761349b 53600104_p0 sample-71883ad8f6e9446f948fcd483d959df8 bd33f3380d9af171c8af72628e9c4a85 tumblr_nycnbo9KM91u31sw8o1_1280 - 208614 sample 53282035_p0 tumblr_ny9b9xDebl1uc7i51o1_1280 sample-0dbd4592bf6999dc7dfece813f80aafc  c5c0a3278a0479381ac1db7d9a16e0e4

So far I am really liking this anime. I’m not looking forward to watching it every week, but it is fun to watch. Animation is still good with enough fanservice and a lighthearted mood, with sexy and cute girls. If they dont scrap all these and try to follow a serious and generic plot this will be a fun ride for everyone watching. I wouldn’t mind a better MC though, my only complaint about this series is the MC (like in 99% of harem anime). Why doesn’t Japan mass produce MCs like Arata, Araragi, or Ikki instead of the classic “pussy allergic nice guy”?


Thanks to ScissorMeTimbers for videos. Here’s the link to his videos for Episode 7 and Episode 8


