Category: gakusen toshi asterisk
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk Fanservice Review – Episodes 11-12
February Posters
December Posters : Christmas Edition
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk – Fanservice Review Episodes 9&10

First of all i want to say that i am impressed because Gakusen Toshi Asterisk’s all minor characters look great… Even though they get almost zero screen time they still give the impression that they might be a character from another harem/ecchi anime… Episode 10 had a Saya-Kirin naked bonding time which was great… Sadly still not enough Claudia service… New Girls Reporter A , Yanase Meeko… I will be honest, i fell in love with her …
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk – Fanservice Review Episodes 7&8
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk – Fanservice Review Episodes 2-6

Now that Gakusen Asterisk introduced the whole harem i made my girls ranking… In this post i will make a fanservice review of the first half of the cour and i will explain you guys why Claudia is the best girl,using %100 scientific methods … Imo she is a strong contender for the #2 Best girl of the Fall15… She comes right after Stella in my seasonal ranking… This will be a long one so be prepared… …